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Ardèche: a man killed by 14 stab wounds by a neighbor exasperated by the noise


Highlights: A man died in Viviers, Ardèche, after being stabbed 14 times by an individual. This drama took place on the sidelines of the music festival, organized Friday in the town. It was after the suspect, from his window, threw "liquid that had a strong smell of bleach" on the customers of a restaurant, that "one of them" went to his apartment "to explain this act of violence" A second person, a relative of the deceased victim, aged 24, "was also wounded" by a stabbing.

This drama took place on the sidelines of the music festival, organized Friday in the town.

The evening had started well. A man died on the night of Friday to Saturday, after being stabbed fourteen times by an individual who, "exasperated by the noise", had thrown what could be bleach on the terrace of a restaurant located under his windows. This drama took place on the sidelines of the music festival, organized Friday, in the small town of Viviers in Ardèche.

The attack took place in two stages, explains the prosecutor of the Republic of Privas in a statement published on Twitter. It was after the suspect, from his window, threw "liquid that had a strong smell of bleach" on the customers of a restaurant, that "one of them" went to his apartment "to explain this act of violence".


— Public Prosecutor-Privas (@PRPrivas) June 24, 2023

It was at this time that an altercation broke out between the two individuals, the occupant of the apartment and the customer of the restaurant, aged 58 according to France Bleu. The first carried "fourteen stab wounds, counted by the emergency doctor, on the vital parts of the victim, including on the chest," said the prosecutor's office in its statement. If the injured man "tried to flee", he was found dead some time later on the stairs of the building.

A second victim

A second person, a relative of the deceased victim, aged 24, "was also wounded" by a stabbing, says the prosecutor's office. His prognosis is not engaged.

"The aggressor was arrested and placed in custody," also says the prosecutor's office of Privas, specifying that the individual is "known to justice", without saying more. According to information from France Bleu, the suspect had holed up at home after the fact before surrendering. An investigation has been opened.

Source: leparis

All news articles on 2023-06-24

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