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The weather for Monday, June 26: lower heat and return of clouds


Highlights: Temperatures will drop over almost the entire territory, except in the Mediterranean regions. The northwest wind will blow around 40 km / h in gusts, which will have the effect of lowering the temperature compared to Sunday. Minimum temperatures will range from 13 to 18 ° C, the maximum from 23 to 28 ° C. Clouds will remain clinging to the Pyrenees, with fog persisting at altitude and a risk of thunderstorms over the east of the range. The mistral and tramontane will raise the thermometer between 37 and 39 ° C from Provence to Languedoc.

The temperature will drop over almost the entire territory, except in the Mediterranean regions.

Too bad for those who loved the weekend heat. Monday will see the thermometer drop a notch, sometimes 10 ° in 24 hours. The cause: a northwest wind that will rise. The sky will be filled with a little more clouds. The tramontana and mistral will also blow, increasing the risk of fire starting, according to The Weather Channel.

The drop in temperature will affect three quarters of the country, except in the South-East where the mistral and tramontane will raise the thermometer between 37 and 39 ° C from Provence to Languedoc. The other difference will come from the color of the sky, with grayness in the morning in the southwest and a sometimes thick cloud veil circulating in the north of the France.

Details by region

North of the Loire, the sky will be veiled, without altering the impression of good weather. The northwest wind will blow around 40 km / h in gusts, which will have the effect of lowering the temperature compared to Sunday with 23 to 28 ° C maximum in the afternoon. Minimum temperatures will range from 13 to 18 ° C, the maximum from 23 to 28 ° C.

From the Aquitaine basin to the Pyrenees, low clouds will be numerous in the morning. As the hours go by, they will let pass some clearings. Clouds will remain clinging to the Pyrenees, with fog persisting at altitude and a risk of thunderstorms over the east of the range. Minimum temperatures will range from 13 to 18°C, maximum temperatures from 26 to 29°C.

Over the Mediterranean regions, the mistral and tramontane will rise and reach 60 km/h in gusts. They will accentuate the heat. By foehn effect, temperatures will reach 37 to 39 ° C in the afternoon, and locally 40 ° C in the Languedoc hinterland and the interior of the Var. Minimum temperatures will remain between 17 and 22 ° C, the maximum between 36 and 39 ° C.

*The Weather Channel is a property of the Figaro group.

Source: lefigaro

All news articles on 2023-06-25

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