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Ukraine's ambassador to Israel wrote a harsh post against the government - and will be summoned for a reprimand - voila! news


Highlights: Ukrainian embassy accuses Israel of siding with Russia, under the guise of "neutrality" Israel sent unprecedented humanitarian aid to Ukraine (NIS 2022 million in 80, with a higher budget earmarked this year) The warning system that Israel adapts to Ukraine will save the lives of Ukrainian citizens in the country, Foreign Minister Eli Cohen says. Israeli arguments allegedly relate to relations with Russia in the Syrian context, fear of harm to the Jewish community in Russia, and claims about the transfer of Western weapons from Ukraine to Iran and Syria.

The post accused Israel of "an almost complete lack of humanitarian aid to Ukraine" and of siding with Russia on various pretexts, ignoring public opinion in Israel and around the world. In response, Foreign Minister Eli Cohen said, "Despite the complexity vis-à-vis Russia, Israel has stood by Ukraine since the beginning of the war," noting that aid will increase

Zelensky and Cohen meet in Kyiv: "Expressing solidarity with Ukraine" (Yossi Pons)

Foreign Minister Eli Cohen announced today that following a harsh statement by the Ukrainian embassy regarding relations between Israel and Russia, the Ukrainian ambassador will be summoned for a reprimand at the Foreign Ministry.

The statement said: "Despite the complexity vis-à-vis Russia, Israel has stood by Ukraine since the beginning of the war until today, publicly supported Ukraine's territorial integrity and sovereignty, and even voted in international forums to condemn Russia. Israel sent unprecedented humanitarian aid to Ukraine (NIS 2022 million in 80, with a higher budget earmarked this year). The warning system that Israel adapts to Ukraine will save the lives of Ukrainian citizens in the country."

Foreign Minister Eli Cohen visiting Ukraine and meeting with President Zelensky, February 16, 2022 (Photo: official website, Shlomi Amsalem to the Foreign Ministry)

The Ukrainian embassy published a post on Facebook today accusing Israel of siding with Russia, under the guise of "neutrality." According to the embassy, Israel's choice is reflected in "a series of controversial events that have occurred since the beginning of 2023, along with the almost complete lack of humanitarian aid to Ukraine." The events, the post said, include the visit of a Foreign Ministry delegation to Ukraine in February, and interviews given by the prime minister that included statements "aimed at justifying Israel's total inaction regarding the provision of defensive measures to Ukraine over the past year and a half." The Israeli arguments allegedly relate to relations with Russia in the Syrian context, fear of harm to the Jewish community in Russia, and claims about the transfer of Western weapons from Ukraine to Iran and Syria.

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Ukrainian with Israeli humanitarian aid (Photo: official website, Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

The post attacks the "blatant disregard for moral boundaries demonstrated by senior Israeli officials" who attended a reception at the Russian embassy in Jerusalem last week. He accuses Israel of "while democratic countries impose sanctions on Russia and define it as a terrorist state that commits war crimes on a daily basis, Israel does not impose a single sanction, and has even increased bilateral trade with the Moscow regime over the past two years." According to the Ukrainian embassy, Israel ignores its own public opinion, and Diaspora Jewry, which unequivocally supports Ukraine, as well as anti-Semitic statements by the Putin administration, and concludes with the reading: "We expect Israel to be on the right side of history."

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  • Ukraine
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Eli Cohen
  • Russia

Source: walla

All news articles on 2023-06-25

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