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Martín Llaryora: 'The angriest are us because what they are trying to do is a sleeve'


Highlights: Martín Llaryora was one step away from being the next governor of Córdoba. He denies allegations of cheating and suspicions that his rival of Together for Change sowed on the scrutiny. "The angriest are us because they tried to make us a sleeve," says the Peronist. "I acted honestly and with institutional responsibility," he says. "It's like you win the championship, they take the cup and then they tell you that in 20 days we're going to say you were the champion"

The virtual governor-elect of Córdoba recounts the accusations of the cambiemite Luis Juez

Martín Llaryora, who was one step away from being the next governor of Córdoba after taking three points ahead of Luis Juez in the provisional scrutiny, came out on Monday to refute the allegations of cheating and the suspicions that his rival of Together for Change sowed on the scrutiny. "The angriest are us because they tried to make us a sleeve," said the Peronist.

What went wrong in the count?

-That is an explanation that the Electoral Board has to give, I have absolutely nothing to do with it. The big losers are all the people of Cordoba and then us, who could have celebrated quietly because we won the election in a transparent manner and we could not do it because we are respectful of the institutionality.

We waited until 2 in the morning to have more than 90% of the ballot boxes counted and that there was an irreversible tendency to go and celebrate with our team.

This for all Cordobans is a bitter pill, the Electoral Board will have to give the explanation.

-The Electoral Board and not the provincial government?

Of course, in Córdoba it is an external power that depends on the Judicial Power.

Martin Llaryora on Sunday. Photo Marcelo Carroll.

So why does the judge accuse them of cheating if it was not the government's responsibility?

-I take it from whoever comes. He is part of the failure, when he governed he did badly and so it went in the city of Córdoba. The angriest are us because they try to make it a sleeve. I had to win and lose. I am a good person. I'm used to it, I've already beaten Juez and (the radical Rodrigo) De Loredo in an election for mayor. I'm used to not being called. When the final scrutiny is over, I will wait for the call and the apology.

-Do you say that they played dirty on you?

-If we have won in San Francisco and in the city of Córdoba, which are places where I governed and governed, it is because the neighbors know who I am. Everyone knows what the results were. When the final count is known, I ask you to publish the result in the media to see who was telling the truth because in politics it cannot be worth anything. Respecting institutions is essential. I waited until 2 in the morning, and today you have 95% counted and there are three points of difference

Do you understand that the difference will widen?

-It will continue to widen. But hey, everyone acts as they act. I acted honestly and with institutional responsibility. I will wait for the final result. But it's like you win the championship, they take the cup and then they tell you that in 20 days we're going to say you were the champion.

Why, if the trend is irreversible, would JxC not recognize its defeat?

Clearly not acknowledging or not saying what we all know is happening is an electoral strategy. So they care more about the electoral strategy (in the face of the election for mayor of the capital of Cordoba on July 23, where De Loredo is a candidate) than the institutionality.

He mentioned his triumphs in two cities where he ruled and governs. Does it mean that the victory is yours alone?

No, because that would be ignoring that we made very good choices in other places. In my case, as it is the first time as a candidate for governor, I have a very high level of ignorance. And that affects a lot. There is no way to reverse that ignorance in a very short time. You can not win a province like Córdoba only in two districts, it was a triumph of all

Why was the difference smaller than the ruling party expected?

-There was a difference between face-to-face and non-face-to-face surveys. The low turnout ended up affecting us.

The link with Schiaretti

A reading that is made, even in Juntos, is that the attempt at an agreement between Juan Schiaretti and Horacio Rodríguez Larreta made Juez more visible in the campaign and harmed you.

Let's see, I want Argentina to do well.

-OK. But is there no harm in the relationship with Schiaretti?

"Not at all, we were with Juan all night last night. I believe in a great national agreement, Argentina does not leave without a great agreement and the leaders need to come together. I believed in a front of fronts. And if later that harms you it is less. I'm going to accompany Juan to be the next president. He's going to be a great president.

Martín Llaryora, in the early hours of this Monday when announcing his triumph. Photo Marcelo Carroll.

Does the victory by a margin of only 3 points damage Schiaretti's candidacy?

No, first Juan is the current governor with one of the best efforts in Argentina. The victory was a great support for Juan, who will also be the only Cordovan in the presidential fight. The residents of Córdoba will accompany him.

See also

Córdoba: Controversy grows over the delay in the scrutiny and in Peronism and Together are furious

Luis Juez tried to "cheat" Schiaretti and Llaryora, after the election in Córdoba: "I do not recognize the bandits anything"

Source: clarin

All news articles on 2023-06-26

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