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Opinion | The Opsie Shmopsi government: Mrs. Psara Strzok, the one who didn't drink bunker coffee and their fellow mourners | Israel Hayom


Highlights: In the current government, there is fierce competition over who will be the chief meller. Speaking style, respect for others, and a culture of discussion are not a matter of right or left. Even Big Brother knows that when the cameras are working, please behave accordingly. The time has come to say to the ministers of the Opsie, Shmops, and Twitter deletions government: If you haven't figured it out yet, then once you've been sworn in, the era of talkbacks is over.

In the current government, there is fierce competition over who will be the chief meller, who will get to be the minister for refugees and refugees, and who will take the role of national degrader • Speaking style, respect for others, and a culture of discussion, it's not a matter of right or left, it's a matter of respect for the profession and position for which you were elected • Even Big Brother knows that when the cameras are working, please behave accordingly

Hi there, Your Excellency Psara Strock. Oops, sorry, I meant Minister Strzok, of course, and not some Moroccan curse that is present in the media discourse, but completely, totally inappropriate! If so, forgiveness and forgiveness, Mr. Minister.

It is clear to me that at this point you would rather hear all of Richard Wagner's operas from start to finish than utter the name of Wagner Force again. It can be assumed that by the evening news you will have updated us, that apparently all this was distracting and that before the meeting you did not drink bunker coffee, and the words were said during the shellfish, and certainly one can understand someone who is careful of the poison tongue with all her might but from time to time some uncontrollable stroke from her mouth, what doesn't happen to everyone?

Of course it does! Indeed, we are all people, we all make mistakes. But what the honorable coalition compromise does not understand is that we are not all ministers in the government.

Amichai Eliyahu. Before morning coffee, photo: Oren Ben Hakon

True, in the current government there is fierce competition over who will be the chief roller. Who will get to be Minister for Refugees and Refugees, and who will take the role of national degrader? And really, how can one compare a statement comparing IDF commanders to mercenaries, compared to Minister Eliyahu, Maestro Helleror and Coffee, who said of the Governor of the Bank of Israel that he is "a savage man, who should be rolled up from all the stairs."

Where is it and where is the structural roller about Wagner power. And certainly Minister Pindros, as his name goes, sets an impossible standard of uncontrollable roller against the gay pride parade and expresses his learned military assessment that "the most dangerous thing for the State of Israel, more than ISIS and Hezbollah, is incest."

MK Pindros. "The most dangerous thing for the State of Israel, more than ISIS and Hezbollah, is incest," Photo: Danny Shemtov

And let's not forget, the cries of Gottlieb, the tweets of Ben-Gvir, the determination of Rothman and the growls of Almog Cohen, who undoubtedly deserve to enter the Final Four as natural competitors in the Larlors Olympics finals.

MK Almog Cohen's live that caused a storm // Almog Cohen's Facebook page

But the time has come to say to the ministers of the Opsie, Shmops, and Twitter deletions government: Dear ministers and ministers to Allah. If you haven't figured it out yet, then once you've been sworn in, the era of talkbacks is over. You are no longer an out-of-control tweeter. Not a belligerent opposition, and not demonstrators in front of the Knesset.

True, sometimes it seems that you are looking left and right, and it is hard for you to believe that a bunch like you is in the government, that's okay, we also find it hard to believe that the garbage bunch oops, Silman and Mahla, I meant to say that such a respectable and degrading bunch, and the nonsense came out of the garbage, with you the Silman and the forgiveness.

MK Gottlieb with Minister Simcha Rothman, Photo: Oren Hakon

But before you get heated and say, is it the Wagner Force or the Kaplan Force? Let us clarify immediately. Speaking style, respect for others, and a culture of discussion are not a matter of right or left. It's a matter of respect for your profession and the position you were chosen for. Even Big Brother knows that when the cameras work, you have to behave accordingly. But for some reason it is you, the smallest bin of all, who forget and degrade yourselves and your people at every opportunity. And so our request as a people is one - please learn to erase before you speak, and for the sake of our good name and yours - please behave accordingly.

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-06-26

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