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Pucher Hallenfetz returns after a seven-year break


Highlights: For seven years, the popular party series organized by the Pucher Landjugend took a break. The last party took place in the hall of the Reitmeir family in Puch. This year it comes back with momentum, under a new title and in a new location. "Hallenfetz next generation" is the name of the party on 1 July. The name refers to the next generation that has brought the celebration back to life, says assessor on the board of the rural youth.

The last party took place in the hall of the Reitmeir family. This year there is a new location. © Private

It's Hallenfetz again. For seven years, the party series organized by the Pucher Landjugend paused. Now she's back.

Puch – When the bear taps in the hall in Puch, it means one thing: it's Hallenfetz. For seven years, the popular party series organized by the Pucher Landjugend took a break. Up to 3000 people used to attract the hall parties. This year it comes back with momentum, under a new title and in a new location. "Hallenfetz next generation" is the name of the party on 1 July. The name refers to the next generation that has brought the celebration back to life, explains Sonja Grabinger, assessor on the board of the rural youth. The seven-year break had been forced by increasingly difficult conditions and at the same time fewer members in the rural youth.

The fact that the Hallenshetz has to pause is not a novelty. The first festival took place in 2001, up to and including 2007. Between 2008 and 2015, no indoor event was organized due to a lack of young talent. In 2016, the tenth and last hall scrap took place. "This year we are attacking it again because new younger people have joined," says Sonja Grabinger. You can join the Landjugend Puch from the age of 15. But the Pucher also recruited many alumni. "They are there to help us with tips and tricks at the Hallentrötz," says the 20-year-old assessor.


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New venue and proven concept

The venue is different: The party, which used to take place in the hall of the Reitmair family in Puch, will take place this year in the hall of the state estate at the Green Centre. What remains the same – "as it was back then," says Grabinger – is that the rural youth sell their homemade strawberry limes. You can get it at the meter-long liquor bar. In addition, there is a wheat beer cart, a spritz hut and a beer bar. Food trucks are used to counter the small hunger in between, for example at the hot dog stand of the Dachau company "De zwoa Hund".

Tickets are available here

The Hallenfetz will take place on Saturday, July 1, from 20 p.m., in the hall of the state estate at the Green Center. Tickets are available at the box office for eight euros.

The Brucker Wiesnband Sauwuid and DJ HausP, alias Johann Anderer from Puch, will heat up the Hallenfetz musically. Everyone is invited. Above all, the older generation, who used to organize and celebrate the Hallentetz, would be looking forward to returning, says Sonja Grabinger.

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Source: merkur

All news articles on 2023-06-26

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