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The audios of Cristina against Sergio Massa: 'He is the candidate of the red circle'


Highlights: In social networks, the judicial wiretaps disseminated in 2017 and 2018 circulated again. 'You have to get that son of a bitch,' said the vice.. The frenetic selection of Sergio Massa as presidential candidate of the ruling Union for the Fatherland front continues to cause sequels, shocks and responses. In addition to the alleged disgust of Cristina Kirchner for having had to replace her pupil Wado De Pedro by the Minister of Economy, they circulated again and recalled the comments that the vice made about Massa in her telephone dialogues with Oscar Parrilli.

In social networks, the judicial wiretaps disseminated in 2017 and 2018 circulated again. 'You have to get that son of a bitch,' said the vice.

The frenetic selection of Sergio Massa as presidential candidate of the ruling Union for the Fatherland front continues to cause sequels, shocks and responses. In addition to the alleged disgust of Cristina Kirchner for having had to replace her pupil Wado De Pedro by the Minister of Economy, in social networks they circulated again and recalled the comments that the vice made about Massa in her telephone dialogues with Oscar Parrilli.

These are the judicial wiretaps ordered at the time by Judge Ariel Lijo, who was investigating the alleged protection of Kirchnerism to the narco Ibar Pérez Corradi. As in the case of the wiretapping of K prisoners for corruption whose dialogues from the telephones of the Ezeiza prison or that of Marcos Paz were heard by justice, Cristina said that everything was done to do "political espionage."

The audios were broadcast by journalist Luis Majul on Radio Berlin, and correspond to a series of telephone conversations from July 2016:

Massa, candidate of the red circle


Send him to the front of Massa please, you can say: 'I met (Nestor) Kirchner long before Massa and I never went in my life to play football at Olivos'. He and his secretary stayed eating and playing football until the wee hours, and don't shake anything," says the former president in a part of the listening.

"The guy went to Olivos when he was head of Anses and gave the signature to (Amado) Boudou. Until 2009 he was chief of staff, and put yourself in victim: 'I never went to play football in Olivos'. Not on a Friday, every Friday," adds the now vice president.

In another audio, Cristina Kirchner tells Parrilli: "You know that the candidate of the red circle was not (Mauricio) Macri was Sergio Massa, when they saw that he could sneak in."

"Anything was better than us. Macri was not the candidate because he has opposing interests... Macri is a plain and simple employee. And also with links to drug trafficking that I am convinced has them, "said Cristina.

"Massa speaks well of Macri in TN and badly in C5N"

Cristina Kirchner and the anger with Pichetto, Massa and the insult to Margarita Stolbizer:

Oscar Parrilli: Do you want us to go out and answer these? We don't say a damn to them, do we? Nothing...

Cristina Kirchner: To whom?

OP: To these, to Pichetto, all of these... We don't tell them anything... to the Mayors...

CFK: Nooo...

OP: I've been called. I shut my mouth and don't speak a damn.

CFK: Noooo.

OP: Let them talk, just...

CFK: Do you think people register what Pichetto says? And if you register it, you register it to it. No... Noooo... Ignore them. The one to hit is Massa... That one does. He speaks well of Macri for TN and bad of Macri for C5N, it is incredible.

OP: It's incredible, yes yes... Doublespeak.

CFK: No, here you have to shake off the fat daughter of a bitch and Massa, don't waste time with Pichetto and all those, noooo, leave them.

"You have to get that son of a bitch too"

In a compilation of the judicial wiretaps leaked by Majul, Jorge Lanata's PPT program included a harsh attack by the former president on the leader of the GEN Party and her then political partner, Sergio Massa:

CFK: You saw that the Stolbizer is crazy now... He screwed up with this latest complaint, but badly. She's bad, bad motherfucker.

OP: Bad motherfucker CFK: And the one who sends you to do that is Sergio Massa.

OP: Yes, I have no doubt about that.

CFK: You have to get that son of a bitch too.

Source: clarin

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