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'Calls for large-scale civil disobedience': Yair Golan calls for illegal measures - Likud demands immediate investigation | Israel Hayom


Highlights: Maj. Gen. (res.) called for nonviolent sedition, Likud responded: "The incitement calls for an immediate investigation - today" Meanwhile, the Constitution Committee resumed discussion this morning on the issue of reducing the reasonableness grounds. Committee Chairman Pindros caused an uproar: "I would fire an attorney general appointed by the prime minister's number one enemy". The controversy surrounding the legal reform continues: Former Meretz MK Yair Golan issued an unusual call for nonviolent civil disobedience on Tuesday.

Maj. Gen. (res.) called for nonviolent sedition, Likud responded: "The incitement calls for an immediate investigation - today" Meanwhile, the Constitution Committee resumed discussion this morning on the issue of reducing the reasonableness grounds, Committee Chairman Pindros caused an uproar: "I would fire an attorney general appointed by the prime minister's number one enemy"

The controversy surrounding the legal reform continues: Against the background of the reform's advancement, former Meretz MK Maj. Gen. Yair Golan issued an unusual call for nonviolent civil disobedience on Tuesday.

During an interview with Esti Perez Ben-Ami on Kan Reshet Bet, Golan said: "If we have to reach a large-scale and nonviolent rebellion, that's what we will do. I call here, within the reasonable framework and without resorting to violence, to do illegal things as well."

Calling for nonviolent civil disobedience by illegal means: Yair Golan, Photo: Gideon Markowitz

The Likud reacted strongly to Golan's remarks and called for an investigation. "Yair Golan's words of incitement and sedition demand an immediate investigation - today," the party said. "Whoever breaks the law and calls for a violation of the law must pay a price, otherwise the rule of law has no meaning. We demand that Attorney General Baharav-Miara take a tough hand against the violators of law and order, the inciters and the rebels, who seek to sow a dangerous calamity in the heart of Israeli society."

"Enemy No. 1"

Earlier today, the Constitutional Committee resumed discussion on the issue of reducing the cause of reasonableness as part of the legal reform. During the discussion, Knesset Member Karine Elharar Mish Atid asked: "On what grounds would you rule out a situation in which it would be possible to fire the Attorney General without a professional reason?"


MK Yitzhak Pindros of Torah Judaism, who is presiding over the discussions in place of MK Simcha Rothman, replied that "a legal advisor to a government appointed by another government - I would fire her immediately." Pindros' comments caused an uproar from opposition members. Pindoras continued: "Does it seem likely that Giuliani will make a decision on whether Biden is fit? In what country would this have been accepted other than a delusional country like Israel?"

Pindros was also heard saying: "The attorney general was appointed by enemy number one of the prime minister." He was asked who he was referring to and replied: "Gideon Sahar."

The opposition railed against Pindros' choice to portray Saar as an enemy. "Enemy number one? Shame on you!" shouted the participants. Pindaros clarified that he was referring to political rivalry.

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-06-27

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