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In Netanyahu's presence, Ben-Gvir attacked the government's conduct: "We apologize to a terrorist" | Israel Hayom


Highlights: Prime Minister Netanyahu convened a very tense discussion on settler violence. Minister of National Security attacked the government's conduct on certain issues. "Those who are murdered here are the settlers, and the terror that needs to be mowed down is in Jenin, not in Ataret", he said. "When they shoot and attack, is it suddenly permissible to surrender?" Ben-Gvir also noted the activists' protest against the legal reform. "Where did that determination disappear in the face of the anarchists?" he asked.

Prime Minister Netanyahu convened a very tense discussion on settler violence, during which the Minister of National Security attacked the government's conduct on certain issues • "Those who are murdered here are the settlers, and the terror that needs to be mowed down is in Jenin, not in Ataret"

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Yoav Galant and National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir convened a discussion Tuesday evening with Shin Bet chief Ronen Bar on the riots against Palestinians in Judea and Samaria.

Ben-Gvir said during the discussion: "You know very well that I oppose the behavior towards the brigade commander, and we saw that the entire right wing opposes it, but let's not tell stories to ourselves. For a whole week I asked to call a cabinet discussion about four murdered people and there was no response until they shouted at the brigade commander, which is unacceptable, of course, and within a day we are here in an urgent discussion."

Brigade Commander Binyamin came to console the home of the victim of the attack, Harel Massoud - the victim's friends expelled him

The minister of national security criticized the heads of the defense establishment for being stricter with the settlers compared to the Druze riots in the north. "When they shoot and attack, is it suddenly permissible to surrender?"

Ben-Gvir also noted the activists' protest against the legal reform. "Where did that determination disappear in the face of the anarchists who set tires on fire in front of the Justice Minister's house this morning? What are we waiting for? Should they burn down his house? Why isn't there an urgent discussion on this matter with the head of the Shin Bet and the police commissioner?"

Ben-Gvir further attacked: "I hear all the time the talk about Turmus Ayya and Ataret, and of course I oppose the actions that were done there, but let's not turn the tables around. Those who are murdered here are the settlers. The terror that needs to be mowed down is in Jenin, not in Ataret."

He went on to say that "the peak is the apology talks today to the Palestinian Authority. A convicted terrorist who spent 10 years in prison, and we call to apologize to him and pet him? Those who pay salaries to terrorists, should we apologize to them?"

Damage caused by settlers in Palestinian village of um Safa // Credit: Arab networks

At the same time, Galant and the chief of staff were of a unified opinion and that the statements of elected officials were important. Therefore, the minister asked them to sign a joint condemnation statement on behalf of the government and to be drafted by the defense establishment, but Ben-Gvir asked why a condemnation of the demonstrators and Druze had not been issued.
The prime minister also understands that violence against terrorists must be condemned. Galant replied to Ben-Gvir: "We can't behave like our enemies and come up with the reasoning, 'The Arabs are doing it, so we're allowed too.'"

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-06-27

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