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National shame that Jews insult IDF soldiers | Israel Hayom


Highlights: Binyamin Brigade Commander Eliav Elbaz came to console the family of the murdered man above me and was expelled from the scene in disgrace. This behavior illustrates the radicalization of the discourse against IDF soldiers recently. This is not a private shame, it is a national shame. Several ministers also bear responsibility. The address for complaints about the situation - the government table. If you find in the article that the word "shame" is wrong, please share it with us.

Binyamin Brigade Commander Eliav Elbaz came to console the family of the murdered man above me and was expelled from the scene in disgrace • This behavior illustrates the radicalization of the discourse against IDF soldiers recently • This is a handful in the settlements that should be condemned √ Several ministers also bear responsibility • The address for complaints about the situation - the government table

In recent months, the word "shame" has become a common word in almost every home and street in Israel. It is shouted, read and heard at almost every point: in homes, in the streets, in demonstrations, against a few and many. In the Knesset, elected officials also use it almost daily. So many use it, and almost everything, that the right timing for using the word is becoming blurred.

But if there's anything that makes everyone feel the same sense of disgust when the word "shame" bursts into our minds, it's images of Jews cursing, hurting and insulting IDF soldiers who sacrifice their lives to protect us all. There could be no greater shame than this. This is not a private shame, it is a national shame.

Brigade Commander Binyamin came to console the home of the victim of the attack, Harel Massoud - the victim's friends expelled him

The commander of the Binyamin Brigade, Colonel Elihav Elbaz, whose acquaintances describe him as brave, modest and principled and meticulous in maintaining his composure, has been under attack for several months by a handful of settlers whom he defends in a terror-stricken sector where there is not a single moment of rest - neither day nor night.

His only sin is that a few months ago the court questioned the credibility of his version that he was attacked by young Jews when he tried to prevent their participation in the Huwara riots, which took place in March in revenge for the murderous attack that took place in the area. Since then, Elbaz has become a target on social media without anyone giving it the necessary thought.

Right: Brigade Commander Binyamin Eliav Elbaz with National Camp Chairman Benny Gantz while serving as Minister of Defense, photo: Eliav Hermoni

On Monday, the incitement campaign reached a new height, when the brigade commander arrived to console the grieving family of Harel Massoud, who was murdered in the Ali attack, and was expelled in disgrace by a violent and incited handful.


"This is outrageous insensitivity on the part of the brigade commander," one of his friends attacked. "I don't understand how he dared to show his face. Throughout his tenure, he led a weak and weak policy against terrorism in the Binyamin sector. Now, after a murder that took place under cover of lawlessness, he is launching a campaign of persecution against the colonists."

This behavior is an inseparable part of the increasingly violent discourse in Israeli society, some of which are also responsible for some government ministers. Similarly, during the previous government's term, they did not hesitate to accuse its leaders of "abandoning the lives of the settlers in Judea and Samaria," and even today they continue incitement against the heads of the security forces.

It is legitimate to deal with the question of whether the decision to keep Elbaz in his position after it was determined that he had given an unreliable version was correct. What is not legitimate is to turn the brigade commander into an enemy of the people after the decision on his case has been made.

The claim that he showed insensitivity in comforting the bereaved family is no less shameful. How does the role of a brigade commander who spends days and nights fighting terror relate to a condolence visit to a bereaved family, intended to express participation in grief over loss?

This handful that does not represent all the settlers in Judea and Samaria must be condemned and dealt with the full severity of the law. If the settlers or right-wing politicians have complaints about the IDF's performance, who like them knows that the address is now around the cabinet table – that they chose full-fledged.

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-06-27

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