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Horacio Rodríguez Larreta stressed his differences with Patricia Bullrich: 'The violence, the aggression, that whoever does not think like me is the enemy, that did not work'


Highlights: The presidential candidate launched the electoral campaign focused on the internal one against the former Minister of Security. "With it we have a difference in how, and how it makes a difference," he said. The presidential candidate said that he is not going to change his opinion that "to change Argentina seriously you have to build a very broad majority" "This violence as a way of doing politics is over. The Argentina of violence, of thinking that whoever does not think like one is the enemy, is the history of Argentina," he added.

The presidential candidate launched the electoral campaign focused on the internal one against the former Minister of Security. "With it we have a difference in how, and how it makes a difference," he said.

Fully involved in the electoral campaign and in the internal one that he will face against Patricia Bullrich, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta once again differentiated himself from his rival in the PASO of Together for Change by stating that trying to "impose from the rostrum" and "this thing of violence" did not work before in Argentina.

Rodríguez Larreta spoke on Radio Continental about the issues on which he does not agree with the other presidential candidate of Together for Change. He clarified that both are parts of the same coalition and therefore have "a common vision of the country."

But he distanced himself: "With it we have a difference in how, and how it makes a difference, the possibility of achieving things or not achieving them."

In that sense, he said that unlike the former Minister of Security he does not believe in "the mere fact of expressing the will by saying it loudly, stating that if one wins he imposes on the rest."

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"The history of Argentina shows that this is not the way. History tells us that wanting to impose changes from the rostrum, this thing of violence, aggression, of those who do not think as I am the enemy, that did not work," he insisted.

On the other hand, Rodríguez Larreta ratified his intention to add Juan Schiaretti to the space, despite the fact that in recent days some political analyses argued that the defeat to which Luis Juez is heading in Córdoba could be linked to this attempt of adhesion that the head of Government made explicit.

"I am convinced that we must add, expand. If we do not build a solid, broad majority, there is no change," he said when asked if asking to add Schiaretti was a "goal against" with the result of the elections for governor of Córdoba.

Rodriguez Larreta said Juez made "the best choice that Together for Change made" in the coalition's history for governor.

Rodríguez Larreta with Luis Juez, who disputed the governorship last Sunday, and the candidate for mayor of the provincial capital, Rodrigo de Loredo. Press photo Rodríguez Larreta.

"Everyone recognizes that he made a very good choice. Obviously we would have liked to win. I am the leader who most times went to Cordoba to support Luis Juez," she clarified, and expressed that she was "very close to winning."

The presidential candidate said that he is not going to change his opinion that "to change Argentina seriously you have to build a very broad majority." "To beat Kirchnerism we have to build a very broad majority and that's what I think," he confirmed.

Horacio Rodríguez Larreta with his candidate for vice president, Gerardo Morales.

Meanwhile, he recalled the attempt to take over the Jujuy Legislature happened days ago within the framework of the constitutional reform carried out by his candidate for vice president, Gerardo Morales. "It is Kirchnerism trying to stop the changes like that, by violence," he said about the fact.

"This violence as a way of doing politics is over. The Argentina of violence, of thinking that whoever does not think like one is the enemy and must be killed practically where each government that begins throws overboard the above, is the history of Argentina, "he described.

And he said that it is necessary "to build a broad majority to promote changes that are maintained over time" because he stressed that "if the change is not maintained over time it does not work."


See also

What the first electoral survey says after the closing of lists: surprise with the number of Javier Milei

Horacio Rodríguez Larreta presented his candidates in the province and insisted on "ending Kirchnerism forever"

Source: clarin

All news articles on 2023-06-28

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