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Howard Carpendale: "I had only said that once, and that was a mistake"


Highlights: In 2003, Howard Carpendale (77) announced the end of his career. The pop star celebrated a comeback on stage in 2007. He is currently on an open-air tour and has already planned another hall tour for 2024. "I wanted to see what it's like to be a normal person in a country where nobody knows me," he said in an interview with the NDR podcast "Raus der Depression" "I had only said that once, and that was a mistake," he added.

Howard Carpendale now admits that it was a mistake to announce his departure from the stage in 2003.

Dresden – In 2003, Howard Carpendale (77) initially heralded the end of his career, but the pop star celebrated a comeback on stage in 2007. Since then, he has been giving concerts regularly again, is currently on an open-air tour and has already planned another hall tour for 2024. The fact that the impression has arisen in the public that he has already said goodbye to the music business several times and returned, annoys the singer, as he now makes clear in an interview with "Tag24".

Schlager star Howard Carpendale: "I had only said that once, and that was a mistake"

"These stories are nonsense," Carpendale explains. Even his son Wayne (46) is asked on talk shows "how often his father wants to stop. I had only said that once, and that was a mistake. That one time turned into maybe 15 times in the media. But it's just not true."

Why did Carpendale announce his retirement from the music business in the early 2000s? "I wanted to see what it's like to be a normal person in a country where nobody knows me. I wanted to see how I would cope with my life," he recently explained in the NDR podcast "Raus der Depression".

"Go booze": Howard Carpendale reprimands hecklers at performance in Mallorca

Interjections at concerts are not uncommon, but they are very disturbing. How to deal with such a situation confidently, Howard Carpendale demonstrated at the "Schlagersterne" event in Mallorca.

Howard Carpendale: That was the reason for the withdrawal from the public eye

But a move to the USA did not bring him great luck, Carpendale had to struggle with mental health problems and completed a three-month hospital stay in Germany. After many conversations, a therapist told him that he had to get back on stage because that was his life and his calling.


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Howard Carpendale now admits that it was a mistake to announce his departure from the stage in 2003. © IMAGO/STAR-MEDIA

The reason why he works today is different than it used to be, Carpedale told the podcast. "Today it's all about the concerts and the relationship with the people. I try to do more than just sing my hits in the concerts. I want to communicate with people and talk a lot. This moment gives me everything I need to feel good in this profession today."

Speaking of Howard Carpendale: A playback breakdown, a manipulated microphone stand or an unplanned shower of confetti. Barbara Schöneberger pulled out all the stops for pop star Howard Carpendale. Sources,

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2023-06-28

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