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The heat wave is on the way: Here's how to make sure your pets get through it safely | Israel Hayom


Highlights: The summer period, especially during the heat that our country is blessed with, can pose a real danger for dogs and cats, especially if they overheat. Dr. Paul Slone, Certified Veterinarian and Royal Canin's Director of Scientific Relations in Israel, offers 10 ways to help your pets survive the hot summer. Do not leave a dog or cat in the car on a hot summer day; open windows won't change the temperature either. Be careful to let your pet walk or move excessively to prevent the venom in their bodies spreading.

We all know that when summer comes, we need to take care of ourselves not to get dehydrated or get burned – but what about our dogs and cats? • So that this doesn't happen to them too, a qualified veterinarian gave us some tips to help our pets get through the hot summer without problems

If you suffer from heat and exhaustion on the hot days of summer, be sure that your pets suffer even more than you. Dogs and cats do not walk around with a water bottle or shoes, and are exposed to dangers such as dehydration, burns, allergies, ticks and other troubles.

Unlike humans, animals do not have a sweating mechanism, and they cool themselves only through a humidifier mechanism, that is, rapid breathing with an open mouth with a tongue out, an action that, as part of the passage of air over the intertwining tongue, actually cools their bodies.

Good People - Guide Dogs // Correspondent: Yifat Erlich, Photo: Moshe Ben-Simhon and the Israeli Guide Dog Center, Editing: Sivan Schuster

The summer period, especially during the heat that our country is blessed with, can pose a real danger for dogs and cats, especially if they overheat, as they may become dehydrated, suffer heat stroke and in extreme cases – even reach a state of death.

So how can we help animals get through the summer safely? Dr. Paul Slone, Certified Veterinarian and Royal Canin's Director of Scientific Relations in Israel, offers 10 ways to help your pets survive the hot summer.

Get a haircut, and not just for beauty

The coat of dogs and cats, especially hairy breeds such as British cats or hairy breeds, can warm and raise their body temperature. Therefore, it is recommended to brush the fur more than ever, and even take the dogs for a haircut or thinning by a professional and skilled hairdresser. Shaving too short should be avoided so that instead of getting cold, they burn in the scorching sun. Parasites such as ticks or fleas also enjoy more thick and long fur, so it is easier to get rid of them after a haircut.

Leave fur care and hairstyles for the winter.

Don't overdo the cut. A dog gets a haircut, Photo: Getty Images

Travel at convenient times and in the right places

It is recommended to take the dogs out for walks at convenient times and not during the peak heat, i.e. in the early morning or afternoon, and try to walk in shaded places to avoid heat stroke. It is important to remember that pavements and roads can be hot and cause burns on your dog's feet, which cause suffering and require veterinary care.

A dog goes for a walk, Photo: Getty Images

Do not leave a dog or cat in the car

The temperature in a closed vehicle on a hot summer day can reach no less than 85 degrees Celsius. Open windows won't change the temperature either, so don't leave pets in the car, even for a short time.

Take advantage of opportunities to drink

Animals should be encouraged to drink whenever possible. Even if they seem to be in comfortable conditions at home, they should be allowed to drink regularly. You can leave several bowls with water at home, and if outdoors, it is recommended to leave the bowl in an accessible place and in a shaded area, to allow them to drink as much as possible.

On extremely hot days, you can even cool the water by adding an ice cube to the drinking water.

Let it saturate. A dog drinks from a bottle of water, Photo: Getty Images

Refrigerate, refrigerate, refrigerate

On hot days, all means are kosher for cooling pets and lowering their body temperature. You can turn on an air conditioner or fan in their area, place a wet towel near their sitting or lounging area, and even wet them with the garden hose frequently.

They deserve to enjoy themselves, too. A cat enjoys a fan, Photo: Getty Images

Beware of snakes

Summer is the season when snakes wake up from hibernation. A pleasant and innocent walk in the fields may end with a snake bite. First, it is recommended to walk on a leash to prevent the dog from jumping into thickets, where snakes can hide. Most of the bites are carried out inside it, so you should stay alert and see if there is any unexplained swelling in the animal's face. If the dog or cat (cats also like to catch snakes, and they don't always win) is indeed bitten, he should be taken immediately to the clinic and even to a veterinary hospital, and not try to treat him yourself. In this case, be careful not to let your pet walk or move excessively to prevent the venom from spreading in their bodies.

Get rid of fleas and ticks

The summer season is also considered the season of ticks and fleas among animals, but this does not mean that winter exempts us from preventive treatment. Ticks can cause severe blood loss, as well as the transmission of bacteria and parasites, which cause diseases such as tick fever (some of which can even infect humans).

They can be prevented in several ways, such as flea and tick collars, dripping ampoules on the skin and even pills. If the animal loses appetite for several consecutive days, it is recommended to take it for a doctor's examination in combination with a blood test to make sure it has not developed tick fever. Fleas also thrive during this season and can cause itching, allergies and inflammation, which can also be prevented in a similar way with collars, pills or special drops.

There are several ways to get rid of them. Dog and tick, photo: Getty Images

Treat allergies

The allergy season peaks during the summer. Pets are on the rise during this period, especially those who are sensitive to environmental allergens. Allergy in cats can manifest itself in the digestive system (diarrhea and vomiting), respiratory system (asthma and chronic runny nose) and skin (itching, licking and rubbing). The process of identifying allergy triggers is complex and takes time, so take your pet to a veterinarian who will examine it thoroughly and systematically, and use patience and tolerance, as it is not always possible to identify the allergy cause itself. It is also important to know that sometimes it cannot be prevented even if we have been able to identify it.

Allergy treatment options are varied, but even in cases where food is not the cause, animals can be helped with food designed for cats or dogs with sensitive skin, which reduces the allergic reaction and contributes to the vitality of the coat, skin health and durability.

Maintain an integrated diet

The most significant difference between food defined as "dry" and food considered "wet" is the percentage of water in the food. In dry food, the percentage of fluid is only about 8%, while in wet food, the percentage of fluid reaches about 75%.

Therefore, it is important to combine wet food and dry food, both in order to diversify the sensory experience and to contribute to body saturation, especially among cats who do not drink much.

Royal Canin offers dedicated wet food pouches, adapted to regular food and containing all the nutrients and minerals the animal needs. When starting to feed your pet an integrated diet, it's important to follow the specific feeding guidelines for each product and gradually incorporate the new feeding patterns.

Diversify the types of food. A young man feeds his dog (illustration),

Avoid dangerous foods

Summer brings with it a variety of refreshing and sweet fruits, but you will be surprised to know that some of them can be deadly for your dog. Grapes and raisins are very toxic for many dogs, and a very small amount is enough to cause severe kidney damage. Signs of poisoning can only manifest as diarrhea and vomiting, and should not be confused with transient "upset stomach". Also, the kernels of certain fruits can cause blockage of the digestive system, requiring immediate medical and even surgical intervention, and this is only a partial list. Therefore, it is recommended to feed dogs and cats food designed by veterinary nutritionists precisely for their needs and avoid homemade food.

In conclusion, the summer season is the season of travel, sea and freedom. You can enjoy it together with your dog and cat and have great experiences, if only we take care of a few important things and know how to keep ourselves and our four-legged friends healthy. Have a nice and safe summer!

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-06-30

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