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Riots: the right calls for the abolition of family allowances for parents of offenders


Highlights: Part of the right and the RN propose to suspend the aid paid to the families of multi-recidivist minors. Calls to harden the tone follow one another on the right. Since the death of Nahel on Tuesday, June 27 in Nanterre, various personalities have called in turn for the establishment of the state of emergency, the lifting of the excuse of minority for minors who participated in the riots, and more broadly, the toughening of the penalties incurred in case of offense.

After a succession of urban violence provoked by Nahel's death, part of the right and the RN propose to suspend the aid paid to the families of multi-recidivist minors.

Calls to harden the tone follow one another on the right. Since the death of Nahel on Tuesday, June 27 in Nanterre, various personalities have called in turn for the establishment of the state of emergency, the lifting of the excuse of minority for minors who participated in the riots, and more broadly, the toughening of the penalties incurred in case of offense.

On Sunday, it was the president of the National Rally, Jordan Bardella who called on Cnews to "remove family allowances to parents of multi-recidivist minors when educational deficiencies are proven". Same story on the side of Reconquest. "Parents are responsible for 13-year-old children, we can take away their social benefits," insisted Eric Zemmour, at the microphone of Europe 1. For his part, the deputy related to the Republicans of the French abroad, Meyer Habib, noted on Radio J: "Parents are the base. You need a stick and a carrot. In particular, abolish family allowances'.

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Source: lefigaro

All news articles on 2023-07-03

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