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Burned, mutilated and tortured: in Nice, the ordeal of a dog found dead on a doorstep


Highlights: The dog was burned and tortured to death and then deposited Thursday morning on the doorstep of a resident of the Las Planas district, north of Nice. The owner of the animal, a 46-year-old man, was arrested and taken into custody. Looking haggard, he had been seen by witnesses shortly before the animal was found by the police, dragging the bruised body in the street. For the charges against him, he faces a sentence of five years imprisonment and a fine of 75,000 euros.

The owner of the animal, a 46-year-old man, was arrested and taken into custody. Looking haggard, he had been seen by witnesses shortly before the animal was found by the police, dragging the bruised body in the street.

Le Figaro Nice

The photos published on Facebook Thursday afternoon by the collective Emergency for an animal (UPA 06) are unbearable. We see "Tsuki", a six-year-old staff, lying on a concrete slab, his body severely mutilated. In a message that accompanies the sordid clichés, the UPA writes: "Animal cruelty struck again this morning." The dog was burned and tortured to death and then deposited Thursday morning on the doorstep of a resident of the Las Planas district, north of Nice.

In the wake of the macabre discovery, the owner of the animal, a 46-year-old man, was arrested and placed in custody. With a haggard look, he had been seen by witnesses shortly before the animal was found by the police, dragging the bruised body in the street. The main suspect of the abuse inflicted on the staff, he stubbornly denied throughout the duration of his hearing within the walls of the central police station of Nice. "He explained that the dog died because of the heat wave and that the bloody marks were related to the decomposition of the body," reports a police source.

The staff was beaten with stones in the abdomen, chest and hind legs. He was also burned with "a chemical", apparently during his lifetime, before succumbing to internal bleeding. SACPA Nice

An explanation dismantled by the autopsy performed on the corpse of the animal. His findings are damning. They reveal that the staff was hit with stones in the abdomen, chest and hind legs. He was also burned with "a chemical", apparently during his lifetime, before succumbing to internal bleeding. If the reasons that led the respondent to torture and then kill his own animal remain unclear, it seems that a dispute with a third person is at the origin of the facts. "He had been living for several days with a woman who ended up kicking him out. In retaliation, he had threatened to kill his dog and drop him in front of his door, "blows another source close to the case. It is clear that the man has kept his word.

" READ ALSO Nice : a man threatens to blow up his apartment with hundreds of dogs and cats inside

At the end of his police custody, the latter was indicted and presented to a judge in immediate appearance at the Criminal Court of Nice on Friday. The hearing was eventually postponed as the suspect requested additional time to prepare his defence. Several associations of the UPA 06 collective have also filed a complaint against this man. For the charges against him, he faces a sentence of five years imprisonment and a fine of 75,000 euros.

Source: lefigaro

All news articles on 2023-07-21

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