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Julieta Poggio's ex began a surprise romance with a media controversy


Highlights: Cande Lecce spoke with Primicias Ya and told details of his new relationship with Lucca Bardelli. He said he prefers not to talk about "strengthening the relationship" because they are just getting to know each other. "But I know he's a person I want to have in my life," he said. The model met the alleged ex-lover of the footballer in the television studios of Net TV, where both had approached to be interviewed in one of the cycles of the air signal.

The new relationship that Lucca Bardelli started just a month and a half after his separation from the former Big Brother was confirmed.

Just a month and a half after his separation from Julieta Poggio was made public, Lucca Bardelli began a new relationship.

Although he still did not confirm it, his new partner did. And it is none other than Cande Lecce, who claimed to have had an affair with Mauro Icardi that would have infuriated Wanda Nara.

The young model, who rose to fame when his ex entered the house of Big Brother, met the alleged ex-lover of the footballer in the television studios of Net TV, where both had approached to be interviewed in one of the cycles of the air signal.

Bardelli was spotted in a bowling alley alongside Cande Lecce. Photo: Instagram

Cande Lecce's word on her romance with Lucca Bardelli

Cande Lecce spoke with Primicias Ya and told details of his new relationship with Lucca Bardelli.

"I met him on Net TV, when we both went for interviews about two weeks ago. I thought he was a very good person.We exchanged phones because we chatted a lot that day. From there we began to connect, "he said Friday to the aforementioned news portal of the show.

Between May and June, Cande Lecce was on several TV shows talking about her alleged relationship with Icardi. TV Capture

He added: "We coincide in several places these days, because he likes to go out and I am getting to know Buenos Aires. I know his group of friends and he knows my friends, everything is going great."

In addition, Lecce defined Bardelli as a "very calm and sensitive" man and assured that he connected "a lot from that side" with him. Meanwhile, he said he prefers not to talk about "strengthening the relationship" because they are just getting to know each other and it is all "very recent." "But I know he's a person I want to have in my life," he said.

Julieta Poggio also faces romance rumors: Does she have anything with Marcos Ginocchio?

Julieta Poggio and Marcos Ginocchio were linked from the first weeks of the last edition of Big Brother.

It is that, as soon as they entered the house, the viewers noticed that there was very good vibes between them.

Julieta Poggio and Marcos Ginocchio during their stay in the house of "GH". TV Capture

But neither the actress nor the model showed intentions of having anything more than a friendship during their stay in the reality.

However, once the program ended, rumors of an alleged romance began. And it was in mid-June that Yanina Latorre assured that Julieta and Marcos had begun a passionate bond.

"It seems that there was nothing between them because he did not take the first step and a producer from Telefe, more precisely from GH, who loves them both very much, told them 'why don't you go and find yourself alone?', and there he gave them the key to an apartment in Palermo", assured with great confidence the panelist of LAM (America, at 20).

He added: "They found themselves alone and you can see that some vestiges left because they scribbled twice. Afterwards, I don't know if she or he asked for the key again because they liked the meeting. But look at what these two guys are! They spent 6 months looking at each other and warming each other, do you know what that meeting was? I love this couple."


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Source: clarin

All news articles on 2023-07-21

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