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Le Plessis-Treviso: a plot of thatch catches fire, a cigarette butt at the origin of the fire?


Highlights: A fire ravaged a good part of a plot of thatch bordered by the Avenue de l'Europe, in Plessis-Treviso. The rapid intervention of firefighters from several fire and rescue centres proved decisive. Two hours after the fact, the two Charollaise cows of the farm are there, peaceful, grazing some green tufts. "It was especially the fumes that were annoying," says a lady who is actually unimpressed, in front of the Saint-Antoine farm. The latter had been affected by a large fire in November 2015, this time escaped the flames.

Thanks to the intervention of the firefighters, more fear than harm, this Friday afternoon, around this field harvested a few years ago.

If the department does not suffer from the temperatures that the south of the France has been experiencing for several days, the Val-de-Marne does not escape the heat strokes. This Friday afternoon, a fire ravaged a good part of a plot of thatch bordered by the Avenue de l'Europe, in Plessis-Treviso. The rapid intervention of firefighters from several fire and rescue centres proved decisive.

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"It was very fast to burn, I would say thirty minutes," said Étienne, a local resident. Residing 500 m from the blaze, he did not see the flames directly, but suffered the smoke, thick and with a stubborn smell. "It was especially the fumes that were annoying," says a lady who is actually unimpressed, in front of the Saint-Antoine farm. The latter, which had been affected by a large fire in November 2015, this time escaped the flames.

Two charollaises sheltered by a neighbor

Two hours after the fact, the two Charollaise cows of the farm are there, peaceful, grazing some green tufts. "A neighbor saw the fire and she quickly came to take them out, I was sleeping," explains our interlocutor.

Le Plessis-Trévise, Friday, July 21, 2023. The two cows from the nearby farm were pulled from the nearby field by local residents, as thick smoke floated throughout the area.

His neighbor lives almost opposite the field where the yellow of the cut stems has largely disappeared under the black. It confirms the course of the rescue of the bovids, but also the fear that a large number of residents felt. "At one point, we saw a wall of fire coming towards us, it was creepy," he admits. I wouldn't wish that on anyone. »

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If the wind allowed the fire to grow quickly before the arrival of the firefighters, many here wonder about the origin of the fire. "Some people talk about a cigarette butt thrown out of the window of a car," said one resident. Another evokes "a shard of glass" which, because of the magnifying glass effect, would have caused the ignition of a first rod, and so many others then, the breeze helping.

One thing is certain: "The fire started next to the road that borders the plot," says a local resident who saw the first smoke. "This is in no way an eco-burning operation, certifies a local source. The operator of this land has nothing to do with it. »

Source: leparis

All news articles on 2023-07-21

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