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Ben-Gvir posted a tweet mocking opponents of the reform, while the Likud attacked: "Don't put a finger in your eye" - voila! news


Highlights: Itamar Ben-Gvir's remarks drew harsh criticism, including from Likud MKs. "A little sensitivity, instead of joy for idleness, won't hurt," one MK wrote. "We must not give in to bullying, we must not capitulate in the face of threats," he said. He later responded: "I love all citizens of Israel and those protesting against the reform with great love. Public servants need to reassure. The State of Israel will remain Jewish and democratic"

The Minister of National Security tweeted this evening, "Good week, the salad bar is open," referring to his statement that the law eliminating reasonableness is "the salads that open the appetite." His remarks drew harsh criticism, including from Likud MKs: "A little sensitivity, instead of joy for idleness, won't hurt." Ben-Gvir refused to apologize

Minister Ben-Gvir at a demonstration in Ayalon (Ben-Gvir, The Legal Revolution, Ayalon, Demonstration, Demonstrations)

National Security Minister and Otzma Yehudit Chairman Itamar Ben-Gvir tweeted Saturday evening that drew criticism from within the Likud. Ben-Gvir wrote on Twitter: "Good week, the salad bar is open," referring to another statement he made in recent days that the law to abolish the grounds of reasonableness is like "the salads that open the appetite," compared to the other laws that the coalition plans to pass as part of the legal revolution.

Ben-Gvir's remarks drew criticism from Likud MKs. MK Eli Dellal wrote in response: "The people of Israel are in a complex dispute. We are in complex times when there are masses of concerned citizens. We are all brothers and I love all citizens of Israel and those protesting against the reform with great love. Public servants need to reassure. The State of Israel will remain Jewish and democratic."

Likud MK Dan Illouz added: "Don't put a finger in your eye." Illouz noted that "these are exactly the words that should not be written. We will pass the reform. With pride and joy. I have been working on this issue for more than a decade. But a large part of our people is hurting right now. Unjustly painful in my opinion, but painful. It's not just about the refuseniks or Ehud Barak's students. This is a significant part of the nation, a Zionist with all its heart and who continues to serve in the reserves. He's just worried and afraid. We need to hug him, not put a finger in his eye. A little sensitivity won't hurt. A little love of Israel, instead of joy for Id, won't hurt."

"These are exactly the words that shouldn't be written." Ben-Gvir (Photo processing, Jonathan Zindel, Flash 90)

MK Naama Lazimi of Labor also wrote: "The national lighter is pouring oil on the fire again. Not only incompetent and incompetent, but a hopeless pyromanian."

Ben-Gvir later responded to the harsh criticism against him but refused to apologize: "I have no other country, I have no other brothers, but we must not give in to bullying, we must not capitulate in the face of threats, even when these are our brothers! There is a tremendous attempt here to blackmail the elected government and bring about complete chaos in which those who make the decisions are not elected officials. We are all brothers but we certainly do not fold. No apologies. Legislators."

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  • Political-Political


  • Itamar Ben-Gvir
  • The Legal Revolution

Source: walla

All news articles on 2023-07-22

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