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Graduation ceremony at the Realschule Hohenburg: "Not a normal school, but a family"


Highlights: At the St.-Ursula-Realschule Hohenburg in Lenggries, all 62 graduates passed the Mittlere Reife. For the new headmaster Roman Haehl, it was the first graduation ceremony in Hohenberg. "We are not a normal school, but something like a family," said teacher Maika Kottmair. "I can still remember how I walked through the beautiful corridors of Hohenbourg Castle and felt like a princess," said Veronika Dräxl.

At the St.-Ursula-Realschule Hohenburg in Lenggries, all 62 graduates passed the Mittlere Reife. At the graduation ceremony, more than one handkerchief was pulled out.

At the St.-Ursula-Realschule Hohenburg in Lenggries, all 62 graduates passed the Mittlere Reife. At the graduation ceremony, more than one handkerchief was pulled out.

Lenggries – "We are not a normal school, but something like a family," said teacher Maika Kottmair. Accordingly, it was familiar and warm-hearted on Friday at the graduation ceremony at the St.-Ursula-Realschule Hohenburg. The handkerchiefs were pulled out more than once, and when Maika Kottmair, class teacher of class 10a and member of the school management, called out the names of the graduates, her voice faltered with emotion.

Hohenburg: First graduation ceremony with new headmaster Haehl

For the new headmaster Roman Haehl, it was the first graduation ceremony in Hohenburg. A tailor-made debut, because all 62 students from the thirteenth grades had passed the final examinations for the Mittlere Reife. Even though he had not known the girls, to whom he presented the certificates and a sunflower each in a ceremonial setting in the gymnasium, for too long and had never taught them personally, he had nevertheless gained a positive image of the year. "I got to know you as a very likeable vintage," he praised. "You have also been heavily involved in all extracurricular activities, such as the Advent market, the concert and the carnival party. And one thing in particular struck me about you is that you can be relied upon."

After the greetings of Mayor Stefan Klaffenbacher and Anna Leichmann on behalf of the parents' council, the students took the floor. In front of the numerous guests, including Haehl's predecessors Heinz Gascha and Stefanie Scheja, the student representatives Theresa März and Patricia Hoffmann first said goodbye to the graduates: "Don't forget that you will always be part of this community."

Felt like a princess in Hohenburg

Her close connection to the school was also evident in the humorous speeches of three graduating students. "I can still remember how I walked through the beautiful corridors of Hohenburg Castle for the first time as a fifth-grader and felt like a princess," Veronika Dräxl looked back from class 10a.

When Theresa Gerg from 10b reviewed her time at St.-Ursula-Realschule, she also addressed the problematic Corona period with homeschooling or alternating lessons - but very funny packaging. In the ninth grade, it was often said: "My test is positive. Not the pregnancy test, of course, but Corona." The enforced distance has apparently not harmed cohesion. "In six months at the latest, we would certainly give everything we could to sit in a Hohenburg classroom again," Theresa Gerg predicted.

Soulful music at the graduation ceremony in Hohenburg

At the secondary school, the girls had experienced sad and lonely moments as well as happy ones, summed up Franziska Grünwalder from the 10c. "And you always had someone who accompanied you through this emotional chaos." Even if some friendships made here probably break up "as soon as we pass through the gates of Hohenburg" – other connections would probably last a lifetime, said Franziska Grünwalder.

The musical interludes also brought a lot of emotion to the graduation ceremony. Veronika Dräxl sang "The Scientist" by Coldplay, accompanied on the piano by Orelie Nicke. Orelie Nicke then harmonized with flutist Ronja Kögl and violinist Lena Oswald on an instrumental version of "You are the Reason". This proved that the Hohenburg graduating class can also be heard in the musical field. In addition, the Schlossweps'n Musi brought additional momentum to the event.

You can find even more up-to-date news from the region at Tölz.

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2023-07-22

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