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They denounce the wife of a diplomat of threatening and violently assaulting the doorwoman of a building in Recoleta


Highlights: A doorwoman of a building in the Recoleta area reported to the Justice that she had been threatened and physically assaulted by the wife of a Panamanian diplomat. The fight would have occurred because the manager challenged her daughter for leaving the elevator door open. The manager who has two broken ribs and is under medical treatment, denounced in cameras that since then she receives intimations and threats. According to TN, the case is pending in Justice and the measures of proof are being carried out.

The woman, who has two broken ribs, made the complaint of the aggression before the Justice and revealed that since then she receives threats: 'I fear for my life,' she admitted.

A doorwoman of a building in the Recoleta area reported to the Justice that she had been threatened and physically assaulted by the wife of a diplomat who has lived there since March. The fight would have occurred because the manager challenged her daughter for leaving the elevator door open.

In the last hours, the TN channel published images of the video in which the aggression is seen in the hall of the building. The manager who has two broken ribs and is under medical treatment, denounced in cameras that since then she receives intimations and threats: "I fear for my life," she admitted in the interview with the same media.

Juliana is called the woman who was brutally attacked in the month of May. And according to his statements, since then he said he had received letters, documents and summonses not to involve Carlos Lawson, business attaché of the Panamanian embassy; nor his wife who is the one who assaulted her: Jessica Giovana Pineda.

The conflict had its epicenter when the couple's daughter left the elevator door open, disabling it completely. It is there when Juliana exchanges words with the child that led to an argument with her mother on the sidewalk of Arenales Street.

The doorwoman of a building in Recoleta was brutally assaulted by the wife of a Panamanian diplomat. Video capture.

What followed is what you see in the video. The diplomat's wife arguing with the doorwoman and the subsequent aggression that included hair shooting, blows and the woman who was thrown to the ground.

"When the lady grabbed me by the hair and punched me in the forehead, I was knocked unconscious. I don't remember when I fell. I have a bruise on my forehead," Juliana said of the images.

The goalkeeper explained that prior to the aggression and after the interview with Lawson's wife there was an apology for "having spoken with the minor." And although he thought the discussion was over, Pineda entered the building, but retraced his steps and told him that "they would continue to leave the elevator door open," to which the manager retorted to "respect the rest of the building." Then, the brutal attack.

Panamanian diplomat Lawson was present during the discussion. And he tried to sympathize with the goalkeeper after the brutal beating. However, the harassment since then, according to the words of the manager, is on the part of the two.

Juliana is the doorwoman of the Recoleta building who was attacked. Photo: Capture Channel 13

"He put a legal muzzle on me, so I can't name him. He sent me a letter document," Juliana said. When the conflict occurred, he phoned and spoke to a policeman for 20 minutes. The policeman deceived me that night and told me that if I wanted to continue with the criminal complaint he was going to put me and the lady in jail. I was forced to sign the act as it was written because I needed medical attention," the victim denounced on camera.

The event was recorded by two security cameras located in different sectors of the building. According to TN, the case is pending in Justice and the measures of proof are being carried out.

"I feel alone and very afraid. I fear for my life. My daughter lives abroad, she's married and had a baby and that's why she can't come back here. It is a nightmare for me, there are places where there are no cameras and I am afraid that these people will attack me," said the manager.

News in development.


See also

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"It's, it's": an Argentine tourist arrested a man in Chile who threatened a woman with a knife

Source: clarin

All news articles on 2023-07-24

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