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From a strong leader to a sock puppet: Netanyahu collapsed at the moment of truth and became the weakest of Israel's leaders - voila! news


Highlights: The prime minister tried hard to burn himself into the consciousness as the "guardian of Israel," but proved that the government belongs to the extremists who kidnapped him. He ignored the warning lights and chose to save the coalition that is leading us into the abyss. Then, he suddenly remembered that "we are all brothers" But this war is far from over, and there will come an opportunity to change everything. The final vote on the grounds of reasonableness (Knesset channel 90) will take place on Thursday.

The prime minister tried hard to burn himself into the consciousness as the "guardian of Israel," but proved that the government belongs to the extremists who kidnapped him. He ignored the warning lights and chose to save the coalition that is leading us into the abyss. Then, he suddenly remembered that "we are all brothers." But this war is far from over, and there will come an opportunity to change everything

The final vote on the grounds of reasonableness (Knesset channel)

Throughout his political career, Benjamin Netanyahu has endeavored to burn himself into the national consciousness as a "guardian of Israel" and a "strong leader." Yesterday, in the Knesset plenum, the "strong leader" sat like a ragged sock puppet, self-absorbed and empty, while Justice Minister Yariv Levin and Defense Minister Yoav Galant engaged in a videotaped brawl over his head. He seems not to belong to the event, and he does not belong to the event. This is not his government. This is the government of the extremists who kidnapped him. Whoever defined himself as the "guardian of Israel" found himself as the finisher of Israel. Whoever tried to create the façade of a strong leader collapsed at the moment of truth and became the weakest of Israel's leaders. His only connection to the horrific event into which we found ourselves is responsibility. Only he is responsible.

In the dilemma he had between saving the coalition and saving the country, Netanyahu chose the coalition. That is, by himself. A prime minister who does not convene a political-security cabinet to hear the expected implications of the legislation on the army. who does not meet the chief of staff, despite his entreaties, before voting. That ignores all the warning lights, all the writing on the wall. Why is he doing this? Not in favor of annexing Judea and Samaria. Not in favor of the reunification of Jerusalem. Not in favor of destroying the Iranian nuclear project or eliminating Hassan Nasrallah.

He is doing all this to pass a law that would eliminate the Supreme Court's ability to criticize government actions in cases that would be extremely unreasonable. A law that turns Israel into a state with one authority, which is the façade of everything. No checks and balances, no judicial review, no constitution. After fighting similar initiatives throughout his career, Netanyahu fell apart at the moment of truth like a tower of cards, just to maintain a coalition that was leading Israel toward the abyss.

Collapsed at the moment of truth. Netanyahu at the Knesset plenum, yesterday(Photo: Flash 90, Jonathan Zindel)

After Israel gradually loses its international credibility and status, after it loses the American air umbrella, after it loses the powerful immune system granted to it by the High Court of Justice, the first to pay the price are the fighter pilots. After them, the officers and fighters will be summoned to the International Criminal Court in The Hague. They are the ones who will not be able to leave the country. And they are degraded by the coalition that is about to pass the Basic Law on Torah Study. The coalition that does not recruit the ultra-Orthodox despite the expiration of the previous draft law. The coalition that elevates the rule of law and tens of thousands of defectors who make a living from the taxpayer's pocket in its own backyard. Since shame has ceased from the country, senior coalition officials also continue to degrade, humiliate and snoop on all reserve officers and fighters who are not willing to continue killing themselves for the tent of Torah. Miri Regev wants to send them to prison, Ben-Gvir screams at them, Levin sticks his tongue out at them.

Now, a moment after the law was passed, suddenly we are all brothers. Ben-Gvir emphasizes that we are his brothers. To further strengthen family ties, he will now also approve the takeover of the appointment of judges and all other coup clauses. Why? To "strengthen democracy." In the strange world we find ourselves in, Ben-Gvir is the great democrat. His hostage, Benjamin Netanyahu, also sounded like a honey slate yesterday. "We are all brothers," reminded us of the man who built the most poisonous and violent poison machine ever built, the man whose emissaries label a huge public as "traitors," the man who will not rest and will not rest until there is not a drop of brotherhood left in this country. He made sure to lie yesterday, too, when he attacked the demonstrators and claimed that they were blocking Ben Gurion Airport and causing millions not to get to flights and not to reach hospitals.

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This is not his government. Netanyahu with Levin, yesterday in the Knesset (Photo: Flash 90, Jonathan Zindel)

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The truth: Not a single Israeli missed a flight and all the ambulances arrived at the hospitals. Just as he taunted the demonstrators during the coronavirus period ("spreaders of disease"), so too this time. The man who sold the IDF with dubious lentil stew to the crazy coalition of extremists he founded is now calling for peace, equality and fraternity. The cry of the usurped Cossack.

Anyone who looked at the international coverage of the Israeli fiasco yesterday understood that Israel has become a "failed state." Until six months ago, our country was a breathtaking success story – military, economic, scientific, technological. A country that rose against all odds and achieved unprecedented achievements in such a short time. All this they have now come to destroy. To build, they are not capable. Destroy, of all people.

The protesters don't have to bow their heads this morning. On the contrary, they should pick it up. This war has not been decided. It will be long, it will be bitter, it will be difficult, but we have no choice but to win. This must be done through democratic means, through civil means, with all the tools that a democracy is supposed to give its citizens. Nothing is final and everything is reversible. This destructive government will in due course be banished by the voters back to the den from which it emerged. This will be a once, irrevocable opportunity to regulate Israeli democracy once and for all: to establish a constitution, to recruit the ultra-Orthodox and to teach those who do not enlist full core studies. Save the Zionist project. There will be no other opportunity.

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  • The Legal Revolution
  • Benjamin Netanyahu
  • Yariv Levin
  • Itamar Ben-Gvir

Source: walla

All news articles on 2023-07-25

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