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The Jellyfish: on the cobblestones, the beach


Highlights: Since their creation in 1946, these plastic sandals have worn thousands of French people. Baptized "grugru" in south of Brittany, "noodle" in Auvergne, "skeleton" in the Vendée, "fifi" in North and "mica" in West Indies. Finally "jellyshoe" or "crab sandal" in U.S. Even the origin of the name differs according to the versions: it would be attributed to Parisians, champions of good taste.

HOLIDAY MEMORIES (3/6) - Since their creation in 1946, these plastic sandals have worn thousands of French people, from the pebble rivers of Auvergne to the shores of the Mediterranean Sea.

"Watch out, jellyfish on the beaches! Don't panic, these are the famous plastic sandals that are making a comeback." Thus was announced, on July 18, 1995 in the pages of Le Figaro, the return of the jellyfish. Not the aquatic animal, therefore, but the inseparable accessory of the summer holidays, which has traumatized generations of children. Baptized "grugru" in the south of Brittany, "noodle" in Auvergne (but also in the South-East and Corsica), "skeleton" in the Vendée, "fifi" in the North and "mica" in the West Indies. Finally "jellyshoe" or "crab sandal" in the United States.

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There are as many nicknames as there are colors for what has become, in common language, the jellyfish. Even the origin of the name differs according to the versions: it would be attributed to Parisians, champions of good taste since residing in the capital of haute couture. And, more precisely, we could read in the article of Le Figaro: "It was the fashion journalists who named them so in the 1980s." The only point on which everything...

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Source: lefigaro

All news articles on 2023-07-25

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