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With a series of videos, Alberto Fernández gets fully into the electoral campaign and points to a spot by Horacio Rodríguez Larreta


Highlights: The president launched a thread on Twitter to answer the pre-candidate of Together for Change and his running mate Gerardo Morales. "We're going to do it, because we've already done it"? We did it, dear Horacio Rodríguez Larreta. What they did do, would they do again? Contract debt, increase unemployment, adjust pensions, destroy education and health...", said the radical deputy Mario Negri in the networks. "You have no chance of winning," Sergio Massa's brother-in-law told Juan Grabois.

The president launched a thread on Twitter to answer the pre-candidate of Together for Change and his running mate Gerardo Morales.

18 days before the primary elections, President Alberto Fernández gets fully into the electoral campaign and comes out to cross with a series of videos the presidential pre-candidate of Together for Change, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta and his running mate, the radical Gerardo Morales, governor of Jujuy, who had launched a spot with the caption: "We're going to do it, because we've already done it."

"We're going to do it, because we've already done it"? We did it, dear Horacio Rodríguez Larreta and Gerardo Morales. JxC ruled from 2015 to 2019. What they did do, would they do again? Contract debt, increase unemployment, adjust pensions, destroy education and health ...", launched on social networks the President on Tuesday afternoon.

"Historical record of exports! Consequence of the policies of the national government, for example, with international agreements in favor of industry and labor, recovering exporting SMEs that had closed when you governed. Thank you for highlighting it," Alberto Fernández chided on the former Twitter social network, now "X".

In another post, the President adds: "Lowest infant mortality in history! Product of social policies that we implement from the national government, for example, with the Law of the 1000 days or launching 280 works and projects in hospitals and health centers. Thank you for acknowledging it."

With hits on the video to show the data with headlines from news portals, Alberto Fernández continues: "Tourism boom! Another example of the investment of the national government, for example, in the editions of the #PreViaje that also grew the work and economy of each destination. Thank you for promoting it."

In the same vein, he continues: "Clean energy revolution! It is thanks to state investment and the promotion of foreign investment to develop wind and solar farms, projects linked to nuclear development, lithium carbonate or green hydrogen. Thank you for highlighting it."

And he concludes with a chicane to Gerardo Morales, governor of Jujuy and Larreta's running mate: "Those who speak of a total change are you. We, what we did, we are not going to change: we will do more and better. Morales, better tell what he really did in Jujuy, so he tells the Argentine people what he wants to do again."

The spot that Alberto Fernández uses to criticize one of the opposition's presidential formulas is one starring Gerardo Morales. In 24 seconds, the president of the UCR remarks: "There are those who talk about improving public health. And we are what we did."

In the video appears the coup – which was now used by the President – and the titles: "Lowest infant mortality in history"; "Lowest child malnutrition in history"; "Lowest teen pregnancy ever."

"We are going to do it because we already did it, let's make the change of our lives," concludes Morales, with the slogan of the presidential formula headed by Horacio Rodríguez Larreta. The spot was replicated last week first by the head of the Buenos Aires government and then by the radical governor and only this Tuesday came the response of the President.

It is the first spot of the presidential campaign that has 27 pre-candidates for president to which Alberto Fernández answers.

The opposition came out to answer Alberto Fernández's criticism

"Alberto Fernández has evidently already said goodbye to the Presidency and returned to his old habit of tweeting lies. Is anyone really going to believe that the Frente de Todos improved pensions, education and health? They have already indebted the country in U$s 130,000 Mill (between the Treasury and BCRA)," said the radical deputy Mario Negri in the networks.

News in development.


See also

Elections 2023, LIVE: "You have no chance of winning," Sergio Massa's brother-in-law told Juan Grabois

With an exclusive story by Alejandro Apo, a fielder took advantage of the fact that his name is Julián Álvarez and makes a football campaign

Source: clarin

All news articles on 2023-07-25

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