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Dividing the People and Calling for Reconciliation - A Story of Opacity and Blindness | Israel Hayom


Highlights: The government's opaque conduct explodes in their faces - they fast and mourn the destruction of those houses and destroy this house. How detached it must be to offer reconciliation three days after you have torn apart the people and the country with your own hands. For half the people, the house was broken. There is evidence of this in every corner: in national and personal security that is eroding, in the economy that is crashing, in high-tech investments that are receding. What was taken for granted – one state, one people, good and bad – is now in doubt from the government's perspective.

The government's opaque conduct explodes in their faces - they fast and mourn the destruction of those houses and destroy this house • How detached does it have to be not to understand that for half the nation, Tisha B'Av preceded this year?

Yesterday, I heard some Knesset members on the right calling for a compromise. "Tisha B'Av," they explained, "must prevent a rift in the nation again." I heard, and smiled sadly to myself. How detached it must be to offer reconciliation three days after you have torn apart the people and the country with your own hands.

How opaque you have to be not to realize that for half the nation, Tisha B'Av preceded this year and already falls on Shisha B'Av. How blind you have to be in order not to see the damage you have already caused. How historically detached you have to be not to know that while you mourn and fast for the destruction of those houses, you are destroying this house with your own hands.

The Knesset approved the cancellation of the reasonableness grounds

Yes, it needs to be said twice as much on this day. For half the people, the house was broken. There is evidence of this in every corner: in national and personal security that is eroding, in the economy that is crashing, in high-tech investments that are receding, in the good minds that are leaving, and especially in the understanding that what was taken for granted – one state, one people, good and bad – is now in doubt from the government's perspective. No longer "us," but "them and us." Or those who are "ours" and those who are not.

Cheap populism

How hypocritical and populist to reach out for reconciliation on a day like this. Where were you for seven months when hundreds of thousands took to the streets, in the sun and rain, begging you to stop? Let you talk. Listen. Where were you when every corner of the country and the world warned you about the consequences of these moves? Where were you when the chief of staff asked to meet with the prime minister and was rejected, when the president of the United States pleaded, when the governor of the Bank of Israel and bank managers, and anyone who is anything or understands something, warned that the country is falling apart and that we are all going to oblivion?

And not only did you do that. You did it rudely. With pleasure smeared on your face with a sadistic sense of revenge. You sent the pilots to prison and demanded that they be deprived of their pensions and wings. You brought the leftists back to the camps. You called the protesters anarchists and accused them of betraying the homeland.

Demonstrators on their way to the Knesset, Photo: Yoav Dudkiewicz

Let's sort out who the people you dated are. Salt of the earth, that's them. The productive public, the servant, the taxpayer. Those who are the gap between us and our enemies, and sometimes between us and the whole world in security and economy, medicine and education, Nobel Prizes and the Olympics. They are the donkey on whose back the state has been carried since the day it was established. For years, their contribution was appreciated, but it was long over. Well, they said, we don't need to be thanked, but at least we should live with dignity. Now, under the current government, they have also taken away their honor.

Upside-down world

It's an upside-down world: those who give the most are attacked the most. They blame all the country's troubles on them. They are to blame for the insane destruction of value being done to Israel this year in every field. They are, not the government that is destroying every good plot here. From light to the nations we have become darkness to ourselves. From a place where the whole world sought to emulate, to a place from which the world distances itself like a leper. And all this for nothing, because it is possible. Forcefully, masterfully, with a look of pleasure in the selfie taken just after "The Victory."

Today, Tisha B'Av, they understand what a Pyrrhic victory it was. It was not the other half of the people that they defeated, but themselves, so they beg for reconciliation - which was within their reach last Monday, and they rejected it with contempt. It is requested to do the same to them. Send them on their way with best wishes for success.

Coalition members celebrate the abolition of the reasonableness grounds, Photo: Yoav Dudkiewicz/TPS

But that's not the way. Not because of them, they don't deserve it. Because of us, or rather: for us. Because this is home, and you don't give up on the house. For his sake, and only for his sake, a solution must be found. Otherwise, we may mourn him in the future as well.

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-07-26

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