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Testimonies of violence by Special Patrol Unit commander: "He pressed with his knee on the head of a demonstrator and broke his nose" - Walla! news


Highlights: Attorney Ran Tagger, who represents detained demonstrators, said he was approached by another detainee who claims he was beaten by Tel Aviv Special Patrol Unit commander Yair Hanona. He said the officer brutally beat him and then refused to help him get medical treatment. Police respond: "He lit a fire in Ayalon, escaped and fell on rocks". Demonstrators against the cancellation of the grounds of reasonableness, Kaplan Junction, Tel Aviv. July 24, 2023 (Walla System!)

Attorney Ran Tagger, who represents detained demonstrators, said he was approached by another detainee who claims he was beaten by Tel Aviv Special Patrol Unit commander Yair Hanona. He said the officer brutally beat him and then refused to help him get medical treatment. Police respond: "He lit a fire in Ayalon, escaped and fell on rocks"

Demonstrators against the cancellation of the grounds of reasonableness, Kaplan Junction, Tel Aviv. July 24, 2023 (Walla System!)

Additional testimonies emerged on Wednesday against Tel Aviv Special Patrol Unit Commander Yair Hanona, who was filmed beating an 18-year-old demonstrator in Kaplan after he had already been arrested.Attorney Ran Tagger, who represents detained demonstrators, posted a photo on Facebook of another demonstrator, named Uri, with his face full of blood. He said Uri was arrested on July 11 during the Ayalon demonstration. "After he was arrested and slammed to the floor, an oversized Special Patrol Unit officer pressed with his knee on Uri's head, facing the road. The force of the pressure broke Uri's nose," Tagger wrote.

"Uri says that the policeman who brutally broke his nose while already handcuffed and lying on the road is none other than Special Patrol Unit Commander Yair Hanona, who of course did not skip the stage of 'I'll fuck you, I'll finish you,'" Tagger continued to tell the demonstrator's story. "When Uri asked for medical treatment, Hanona said, 'Medical treatment for my ass.' Uri filed a complaint with the DIP - don't be afraid of human animals who have been given weapons and the authority to use force. Keep demonstrating and fighting, the system that surrounds the protest detainees gives you your back, at no financial cost."

The DIP confirmed that the complaint had been received and summoned the demonstrator to the DIP offices. The police said in response: "These are erroneous claims that may mislead the public. In order to set the record straight, it should be noted
that during the riots that took place in Tel Aviv on July 11, 7 on Route 23, a report was received about a suspect violating the law, and by his actions he was trying to start a fire on the Ayalon Highway with a bag full of twigs and a lighter he held in his hand. As soon as the report was received, police officers arrived at the scene and identified the suspect in the act. When he saw them, he began to flee towards a rockery. Apparently, during the escape he was injured by climbing the rocks. The police officers who arrested the suspect noticed that he had been wounded in the face and offered him medical treatment, but he refused. We emphasize that no force was used at any stage of the arrest other than seizing and handcuffing him. The suspect was taken for interrogation at the end of which he was released." Asked whether the officers had body cameras, the police said they did not.

Uri who was beaten by Hanona (Photo: courtesy of those photographed)

Amitai Brilliant beaten by a nerd (Photo: Image processing, Reuters)

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Yifat Brilliant, the mother of Amitai, the young man who was beaten by Hanona and the photo caused a storm, said yesterday in a Facebook post that Hanouna threatened her son to "rape his mother." The mother wrote in the post: "My son didn't do too much - didn't riot, didn't curse, he protested for democracy. After handcuffing him, they took him aside and beat him. The 'charming' policeman punched him in the face, also whispered to him all the way that he would rape his mother," she claimed. "Then Amitai asked another policeman for water. The policeman lifted him up in the air and threw him to the floor. He was beaten again. I'm proud of my son."

Ilan Aboudi, Amitai Brilliant's father, was outraged this morning by the police's claim that his son was not attacked by police officers. "There is a nonviolent protest here that has been going on for seven months. There was some kind of escalation, the law was broken, I'm even willing to accept that he was arrested because he went down to the road, and you can argue how permissible it is to raise levels of violations of the law at demonstrations, but there is no violence of demonstration here," he said in an interview with Nissim Mashaal and Anat Davidov on 103FM.

"These demonstrations are being filmed by hundreds of cameras from all directions," he added angrily, referring to the claim that violence "arises from both sides." "Have you seen any attacks on demonstrators at any demonstration, including this escalation? When protesters attack someone, something, how can you make these comparisons?. Two policemen grabbed him, knocked him down, beat him, handcuffed him, threw him into a circle where there were about 15-10 Special Patrol Unit officers around him, some of whom continued to kick and beat him while he was on the floor, after throwing him to the floor. According to the police, they fell together, but there are videos."

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  • Demonstrations
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Source: walla

All news articles on 2023-07-26

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