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23-J General Election Results, Live | Junts retains the disputed seat of Girona after the recount of the foreign vote, according to the PP


Highlights: The data already known do not vary the distribution in a dozen provinces, waiting for Madrid. 10% of voters registered in the census abroad have voted on 23-J: 233,688 more ballots. After 16.30, in Girona – where the PP aspired to scratch a seat to Junts – the result has not changed. The counting of the votes cast by Spaniards living abroad in the constituency of Madrid has begun this Friday at eight in the morning. The result of the CERA vote in Madrid, with a hotly contested seat, is expected to be known tonight.

The data already known do not vary the distribution in a dozen provinces, waiting for Madrid | 10% of voters registered in the census abroad have voted on 23-J: 233,688 more ballots

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The counting of the vote of the Electoral Census of Absent Residents (CERA), the Spaniards who reside abroad and are registered to vote, is taking place this Friday in a trickle of data distributed by the electoral boards of zone and the political parties, without an official communication. After 16.30, in Girona – where the PP aspired to scratch a seat to Junts – the result has not changed with respect to 23-J, according to PP sources. The known results – Melilla, Soria, Ourense, Navarra, Segovia, Balearic Islands, Córdoba or Almería – show that the seats in these provinces do not change either, pending the data from Madrid, another point with a disputed seat, in this case between PSOE and PP. A total of 233,688 residents abroad have voted, 10.04% of those who could do so. In the 2019 general elections, 6.85% of the census did so. Although the inclusion of these votes does not usually change the result of the election night at all, this time they could modify the relationship of forces between the left and right blocs, since the result of 23-J was very close.

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The Country

The results in the Balearic Islands do not change after the scrutiny of the CERA vote

The PSOE has been the most voted party by the citizens of the Balearic Islands residing abroad, with a total of 815 votes, while the PP is placed in second position with 729 ballots, according to data offered by Europa Press and in the absence of official figures have been made public. According to the analysis of EL PAÍS's data team, these numbers do not modify the electoral result of 23-J in the region. A total of 2,382 people from the islands have voted from abroad in these elections.

CERA vote results in the Balearic Islands:

PSOE: 815 votes

PP: 729 votes

Add MÉS: 389 votes

Vox: 303 votes

PACMA: 61 votes

Workers' Front: 18 votes

Zero Cuts: 10 votes

Communist Workers' Party of Spain: 6 votes

ACT.28 JUL 2023 - 17:57

Eliona Rakipaj

The result of the CERA vote in Madrid, with a hotly contested seat, is expected to be known tonight.

The counting of the votes cast by Spaniards living abroad in the constituency of Madrid has begun this Friday at eight in the morning, but it is not yet known when it will end. In the Casa de Campo Fairgrounds, 72 ballot boxes have been arranged for officials of the Provincial Board of Madrid to begin counting the ballots deposited by emigrants, in the presence of the auditors of the PP, PSOE, Vox and Sumar. Both officials and auditors have expressed throughout the morning that the counting of the votes will be extended throughout the day, and that the final result will probably be known late at night.

Until 14:00 p.m. (at which point the fairgrounds closed for 45 minutes and officials stopped for lunch) all the envelopes had not yet been put in the ballot boxes. Before inserting an envelope in an urn, it must be verified that it is valid, so the process can be lengthened in some cases. Once all the wrappers are put in, the ballot boxes must be opened to start counting the ballots that each party has harvested.

Madrid is one of the provinces in which the result of the CERA vote will be looked at more closely. Last Sunday, the PP was only 0.05 percentage points (1,749 votes) away from snatching the PSOE's 11th seat. The Popular Party won widely over the Socialists in percentage of the vote in Madrid last Sunday, with 40.5% of the vote (they won 15 seats), compared to 27.88%.

However, it is important to bear in mind that to finally take the seat away from the PSOE, the PP is not enough just to add 1,749 votes from residents abroad. Due to the D'Hondt law, as the PSOE adds votes, the PP would need more to get the last deputy. This is the main reason outlined by some PSOE auditors, who were optimistic about keeping the seat. If it finally falls to the PP, it would be for Carlos García Adanero, the former UPN deputy who, against the criteria of his party, voted against the government's labor reform, and finally entered the ranks of the PP.

ACT.28 JUL 2023 - 18:02

The Country

The PSOE wins the CERA vote in Córdoba and Almería, without altering the distribution of seats of 23-J

The PSOE has been the first force in two Andalusian provinces after the scrutiny of residents abroad (CERA) in the general elections of 23-J: Córdoba and Almería. In the counts, the PSOE has obtained 696 votes in Córdoba and 1,049 votes in Almería, as confirmed by the data team of EL PAÍS and reports Europa Press, in the absence of the final result.

The results of the CERA vote in Córdoba:

PSOE: 696 

PP: 541 

Sum: 516

Vox: 243

The results of the CERA vote in Almeria:

PSOE: 1.049

PP: 789

Sum: 357

Vox: 357

Neither result would alter the distribution of forces on July 23.

ACT.28 JUL 2023 - 17:47

The Country

The CERA vote does not modify the results in Navarra and Ourense

The count of the CERA vote in Navarra and Ourense does not modify the electoral results in these provinces, according to the analysis of the EL PAÍS data team. There are still no official public data but, according to Europa Press, the PSOE has been the first force in Navarre in the scrutiny of the vote of Navarrese residents abroad in the general elections of 23-J. In Ourense, whose results have been shared by the PP deputy Ana Belén Vázquez Blanco on her Twitter account, the PP has been the first force in the province by achieving 3,017 supports, almost triple those harvested by the Socialist Party, which is made with 1,176, and Vox grows as the third force.

CERA vote results in Navarre:

PSN: 671 votes

PP: 641 votes

UPN: 410 votes

Sum: 330 votes

Bildu: 261 votes

Vox: 234 votes

Geroa Bai: 102 votes

PACMA: 39 votes

For a fairer world: 28 votes

Workers' Front: 9 votes

Communist Workers Party: 7 votes

Invalid votes: 31

Blank votes: 51

CERA vote results in Ourense:

PP: 3,017 votes

PSOE: 1,176 votes

Vox: 669 votes

Sum: 382 votes

Galician Nationalist Bloc: 208 votes

Animalist Party with the Environment: 103 votes

Democratic Centre Coalition: 54 votes

For a Fairer World: 42 votes

Partido Comunista dos Traballadores de Galicia: 26 votes

Zero Cuts: 14 votes

Workers' Front: 11 votes

Invalid votes: 118

Votos en blanco: 28

ACT.28 JUL 2023 - 17:53

Virginia Martínez


El 10% de los electores censados en el extranjero votaron el 23-J

Virginia Martínez

Las juntas electorales de cada zona realizan a esta hora el escrutinio de los votos emitidos en el exterior. El Censo Electoral de Españoles Residentes en el Extranjero (CERA) contaba este 23-J con 2.327.388 personas llamadas a ejercer el sufragio activo, y un total de 233.688 han depositado finalmente su papeleta. La participación alcanza así el 10,04%, según datos del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores, adelantados por El Mundo y confirmados por este periódico. Esta cifra supone un aumento del 60,22% frente a las anteriores elecciones generales, celebradas en noviembre de 2019, cuando votaron 145.853 personas, el 6,85% del total de censados. Los comicios generales del domingo son los primeros en 12 años que se celebran sin el sistema del voto rogado, un mecanismo que obligaba a los electores residentes en el extranjero a llevar a cabo tantos trámites previos que muchos de ellos desistían de ejercer su derecho. Este cambio auguraba ya, a priori, un incremento en la participación. Un aumento que se ha confirmado en la mañana de este viernes.

Lee aquí el artículo completo.

ACT.28 JUL 2023 - 17:00


Dimite el asesor de la Diputación de Ávila a quien había contratado su hermano gemelo por 2.500 euros al mes

Juan Navarro

Los gemelos Fernando y Álvaro Toribio ya no trabajarán juntos en la Diputación de Ávila. El primero salió elegido en las municipales del 28-M como representante de esta formación ultra en el órgano provincial, que escogió a su hermano gemelo como personal de confianza en la Diputación abulense y hoy, solo dos días después de la publicación del nombramiento, ha presentado su dimisión. El que iba a ser “coordinador de grupo político”, como se denomina formalmente su puesto público, iba cobrar 2.496 euros al mes, según recoge el Boletín Oficial de la Provincia de Ávila de este miércoles, en el que figuraba el nombramiento. Fernando Toribio fue el número tres de la lista ultra al Ayuntamiento de la capital provincial, mientras que Álvaro Toribio era el noveno en la candidatura y no salió elegido para la corporación municipal. Antes de conocerse la renuncia del asesor, el portavoz de Vox en el Ayuntamiento de la ciudad, José Manuel Lorenzo Serapio, había defendido su decisión porque “es personal de confianza, ¿qué más confianza podemos tener que en un familiar?”. El diputado no se ha pronunciado al respecto.

Lee aquí el artículo completo.

ACT.28 JUL 2023 - 16:52

El PaísCamilo S. Baquero

Junts mantiene el disputado escaño de Girona tras el recuento del voto exterior, según el PP

Junts per Catalunya mantendrá el último escaño por Girona que cosechó el pasado 23-J y en el que el PP tenía algunas esperanzas puestas, según fuentes del PP, porque por el momento no hay datos oficiales.

El conteo del voto exterior finalmente no ha sido suficiente para que los populares zanjaran la distancia de 363 apoyos que tenían con Junts. Esta formación ha logrado sumar 336 votos adicionales mientras que el Partido Popular ha obtenido 275, explican fuentes del PP. 

Es muy difícil que los resultados de los comicios cambien en lo sustancial tras el escrutinio del voto CERA, dado que al conteo se le aplica el método D'Hont. Sin embargo, y dado que los dos posibles bloques de gobierno obtuvieron resultados muy ajustados, el escrutinio del voto exterior tiene especial interés en las provincias en las que apenas un puñado de votos separa a alguno de los partidos de arrebatar a otra formación un escaño. Girona era una de las provincias que centraban la atención.

ACT.28 JUL 2023 - 16:46

europa press

Críticas a Baltar tras su designación como senador

El presidente provincial del PP de Ourense, Manuel Baltar, se ha mostrado “muy satisfecho” tras ser designado como senador por designación autonómica a propuesta del PP en una votación que se ha celebrado este viernes. Lo ha hecho entre críticas de la oposición. En palabras de la diputada ourensana Noa Presas, es “un escándalo” porque le permitirá convertirse “en aforado” como miembro de la Cámara alta. Poco antes de la campaña de las elecciones municipales del 28 de mayo, Baltar fue cazado cuando conducía a 215 kilómetros por hora al volante de un coche de la Diputación de Ourense, que por entonces presidía, y aún tiene pendiente ese juicio. Presa ha puesto el foco en que cualquier responsabilidad penal tendrá que ser dirimida en el Tribunal Supremo y no en uno ordinario, aunque hay dudas jurídicas sobre la aplicación que tendría esta premisa en el caso concreto, porque el presunto delito contra la seguridad vial era ya conocido y el proceso está en marcha.

"Y ahora se usa como un premio a un mal comportamiento, una salida por la puerta de atrás que le va a dar la condición de aforado. Nos parece un absoluto escándalo. El PP usa esta designación para resolver la papeleta de Baltar y sus problemas internos. No apoyamos esta propuesta porque nos parece política y éticamente reprobable", ha apuntado la parlamentaria del BNG.

“No quiero blanquear el caciquismo”, ha criticado por su parte el parlamentario socialista Pablo Arangüena. Su voto, y el de otros dos compañeros de grupo, fue considerado nulo dado que escribió “no” en la papeleta al lado del nombre de Baltar. “El sistema no permitía votar en contra”, ha explicado. “Feijóo y Rueda deben comparecer y explicar el engaño del PP aforando a Baltar”.

ACT.28 JUL 2023 - 16:25

El País

Los voto CERA en Baleares y Segovia no cambian ningún escaño

Continúa el recuento de voto CERA. Tanto en Segovia como en Baleares, con datos aportados por las juntas electorales de zona, no cambiaría ningún escaño en estas provincias, porque se necesitan muchos más votos para moverse los bloques entre los partidos, según el análisis del equipo de datos de EL PAÍS. Aún no existen datos oficiales públicos.

En las islas Baleares ha habido una participación del 9%, con este resultado:

- PSOE: 815
- PP: 729
- Sumar: 389
- Vox: 303

En Segovia, la participación ha sido del 14,9%, con este resultado:

- PSOE: 197
- PP: 181
- Sumar: 83
- Vox: 64
- Otros: 19
- Blancos: 2
- Nulos: 18

ACT.28 JUL 2023 - 16:56


The canvas that Òmnium has placed on a façade in the center of Barcelona. / Bernat saiz

Òmnium hangs a giant tarpaulin in the center of Barcelona in defense of a referendum

Òmnium Cultural has deployed a giant canvas at number 7 Pelai Street, in the center of Barcelona, with the message La democràcia és sempre el camí: referèndum (Democracy is always the way: referendum), with the word repressió (repression) crossed out. With this message, the sovereigntist entity intends to exert pressure on the acting President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, to accept the demands for amnesty and self-determination of ERC and JxCat in the negotiations for his investiture.

"Sánchez must choose between respecting fundamental rights, guaranteeing the end of repression and offering a democratic way to political conflict, respecting the right to decide and the referendum, or opening the door to a second chance for the extreme right to condition the governability of the State," warned the president of Òmnium, Xavier Antich. in statements to TV3. On its Twitter account, the organization has shared a photograph of the canvas with a message addressed directly to Pedro Sánchez: "Hello @sanchezcastejon, doncs sembla that we are not a problem resolt. Here you have a clue per resoldre'l" ("Hello @sanchezcastejon, because it seems that we are not a solved problem. Here's a clue to figure it out.")

ACT.28 JUL 2023 - 15:29

The Country

The mayor of Valencia rehires her sister as an advisor to the municipal group

María José Catalá was elected mayor of Valencia last June, with the 13 votes of her formation, the Popular Party, without the need for the support of Vox. But this Friday he has drawn up his government model counting on the far-right party, whose four councilors have been granted the full-time salary. Both the councilors of Vox and the popular will charge, even so, less than his sister, whom Mayor Catalá has rehired as an advisor to the popular municipal group. He already did it in the previous legislature, but in this one his sister will receive an annual salary of 75,904.005 euros.

Also in Avila a position has been divided between brothers. The twins Fernando and Álvaro Toribio will work together in the Diputación de Ávila thanks to Vox. The first was elected in the municipal elections of 28-M as a representative of this ultra formation in the provincial body, and has chosen his twin brother as a trusted staff in the Provincial Council of Avila. The new "political group coordinator", as this public position is formally called, will receive 2,496 euros per month.

ACT.28 JUL 2023 - 14:40

Alfonso L. Congostrina

Barcelona City Council

Trias and Colau summon Collboni to decide with whom he will agree in Barcelona

Alfonso L. Congostrina

The City Council of Barcelona has celebrated this Friday the plenary session of the municipal charter with which the entire skeleton of presidencies and vice-presidencies of commissions, members of boards of directors of municipal companies and, above all, the increase by 4% of the salary of the councilors and the mayor himself has been approved. The proposal has gone ahead with the votes of PSC, Junts and PP, while the commons and Vox have opposed and ERC has abstained. But the plenary session has served for both Ada Colau and Xavier Trias, the two former mayors, to propose Jaume Collboni as a government coalition. In fact, the leader of BComú has reminded the mayor: "You are mayor by accident."

Read the full article here.

ACT.28 JUL 2023 - 14:30

The Country

The Parliament of Navarra rejects a statement by Vox in memory of the victims

The Board of Spokesmen of the Parliament of Navarra has rejected this Friday a proposal for an institutional declaration presented by Vox in memory of Miguel Ángel Blanco and the rest of the victims of ETA. The text asked for "memory, dignity and justice" for all of them, and expressed "gratitude and recognition" to the State Security Forces and Bodies for their work in the fight against terrorism. The far-right party also asked that the provincial legislature express "its absolute rejection of any attempt to whitewash or justify the terrorist activity of ETA", that it reject the acts of exaltation and that the granting of any prison benefit to the prisoners of the terrorist organization "is directly linked to its direct collaboration with the State Security Forces and Bodies".

The proposal has not prospered due to the opposition of EH Bildu, and the refusal to participate in the vote of Geroa Bai and Contigo-Zurekin, thus preventing it from having the necessary unanimity.

ACT.28 JUL 2023 - 14:25

Virginia Martinez

The PP, pending the CERA vote

The Deputy Secretary of Economy of the PP, Juan Bravo, has reiterated the intention of Alberto Núñez Feijóo to present himself to the investiture session, for which he needs the support of other forces. "The CERA count can cause some change," said Bravo at a press conference in Ceuta, where he questioned the economic data that have been known this week, such as the increase in the number of employees (the PP points out that the discontinuous fixed ones grow) and GDP (the party criticizes the slowdown in the rise of this indicator). "The Spaniards are waiting for there to be a real change," added Bravo, who has assured that Feijóo "is working in a very personal way" to reach government agreements. A scenario practically ruled out, for now. Although the external vote could change the balances between the blocs. In Madrid, the PP was 0.05 points (1,748 votes) away from snatching the last seat from the PSOE, and in Girona 0.11 (363 votes) away from doing the same with Junts.

ACT.28 JUL 2023 - 14:15

The Country

What has happened in the last few hours

Five days after the general elections of 23-J, this is the highlight of the day at 14.00 this Friday:

The counting of the CERA vote begins. A total of 233,688 residents abroad have exercised their right to vote in the elections of 23-J. They are 10.04% of the 2.3 million Spaniards registered in the Census.

London registers the highest turnout in the CERA vote. In the British city, 17,662 citizens have exercised their right. There are also data on participation in other world capitals.

The first results of the CERA vote in Melilla and Soria do not change any seats. Many more votes are needed to move the blocs between the parties, according to the analysis of the EL PAÍS data team.

Salvador Illa asks ERC and Junts "realism" when negotiating the possible investiture of Sánchez. The secretary general of the PSC sees possible the investiture of Sánchez and urges the parties to seek an agreement "within the framework of coexistence".

The Basque PSOE is committed to reforming the Constitution to seek a federal fit to the territorial situation. The secretary general of the PSOE in Euskadi, Eneko Andueza, asks to bet on "a federal model that is more adjusted to the reality" of the territory in Spain.

ACT.28 JUL 2023 - 14:11

Source: elparis

All news articles on 2023-07-28

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