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What vitamins and nutrients women should take from the age of 40


Highlights: Minerals and vitamins from the age of 40 are key to slowing down the aging of the body. The reserves of vitamins, proteins, hormones and minerals in women are considerably reduced from that age. Women begin to experience a strong loss of calcium progressively. Vitamin D improves calcium absorption for strong bones and strengthens your immune system. magnesium is an essential mineral that strengthens muscles and bones, helping you produce antioxidants and improving digestion. zinc is a mineral that promotes well-being thanks to its antioxidant and healing properties.

They are key to taking care of the body from the fourth decade.

Minerals and vitamins from the age of 40 are key to slowing down the aging of the body. It is that the reserves of vitamins, proteins, hormones and minerals in women are considerably reduced from that age.

The absence in the diet of some vitamins from the age of 40 is directly related to day-to-day discomfort.

The woman's body shows obvious changes as water is lost, more fat accumulates, less energy is spent and muscle mass is reduced.

And if you add to that that hormonal changes cause the elasticity of the skin to decrease and that fat is distributed in another way (it is concentrated in the abdomen and thighs) the result is an effect of greater volume or swelling that leads many women to show the appearance of having a much greater weight than they have.

Healthy eating. Lentils. Vegetables. Orange juice. Tomato. Avocado. Vitamin C. Healthy fats. Photo Shutterstock.

But beyond wanting to lose "those extra pounds" we must also consider the diversity of nutrients provided by healthy fats, iron, calcium, folic acid and vitamin C, reveals the Generali site of Spain.


Calcium is essential to keep your bones strong. Women begin to experience from the age of 40 a strong loss of calcium progressively. For this reason, you should reinforce your calcium intake through foods such as broccoli, dairy, soybeans, cabbage or almonds.

Calcium also helps protect your teeth and maintain healthy teeth. In addition, it prevents some more frequent diseases from the age of 40 such as osteoporosis.

Vitamin D, an essential element for well-being and to avoid chronic ailments that can be obtained with an appropriate diet and with supplements indicated by professionals.

Vitamin d

Vitamin D improves calcium absorption for strong bones and strengthens your immune system. It also helps prevent depression or high blood pressure. Sunlight is a great source of vitamin D, as well as dark leafy vegetables, such as spinach, fatty fish, and fortified foods.


Among the minerals and vitamins from the 40 that can not be missing in your diet is, without a doubt, potassium. It acts as a soothing for muscle aches and headaches. Migraines can be caused by potassium deficiency in your body. In addition, it prevents constipation and dehydration.

Some foods that contribute to improving potassium levels are pistachios, soy, fruits such as watermelon and banana, potatoes, cocoa or coffee.

Soybeans, almonds, brewer's yeast, sunflower seeds and walnuts are some of the foods high in magnesium.


Magnesium is an essential mineral that strengthens muscles and bones, helping you produce antioxidants and improving digestion. It also helps regulate blood pressure.

Magnesium is present in avocado, nuts and whole grains, unrefined grains, legumes and nuts.

Vitamin C is present in many fruits and vegetables.

Vitamin C

With age, the appearance of the skin also changes, spots appear, elasticity and firmness are lost. This occurs due to several factors such as pollution, tobacco, difficulty managing stress and a diet low in nutrients, among other factors.

Vitamin C is essential to promote collagen synthesis. It also delays the degradation of this thanks to its powerful antioxidant effect. The body acquires it through certain foods such as citrus fruits, peppers, cabbage and watercress.

Vitamin A and zinc

Vitamin A is interesting for maintaining the integrity of mucous membranes. It would be advisable to consume, on average, an amount of 700mcg RAE (retinol activity equivalents).

As for zinc, it is a mineral that promotes well-being thanks to its antioxidant and healing properties. The body acquires this trace element through foods such as mushrooms, whole grains and seafood, according to ABC report.

Source: clarin

All news articles on 2023-07-28

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