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Bayonne Festivals: a man between life and death after a violent attack, a call for witnesses launched


Highlights: The judicial police are looking for three "Mediterranean-type" individuals aged about 25. A call for witnesses was launched by the judicial police after the violent attack of a 46-year-old man, Wednesday, July 26 at 22:30. The victim is now in a coma following a cerebral hemorrhage with a very committed vital prognosis. Reports, testimonies and videos are being exploited. Anyone who witnesses or has information can contact the investigators at the following number: 06-15-07-87-45.

The judicial police are looking for three "Mediterranean-type" individuals aged about 25.

A call for witnesses was launched by the judicial police after the violent attack of a 46-year-old man, Wednesday, July 26 at 22:30, during the opening ceremony of the Bayonne festivals. "The victim is now in a coma following a cerebral hemorrhage with a very committed vital prognosis," say the prefecture of Pyrénées-Atlantiques and the judicial court of Bayonne in a press release issued Friday, July 28.

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The man assaulted was returning home to 38 quai des Corsaires, at the level of the restaurants "Le Bayonnais" and "My Little Warung", when he was "violently and gratuitously assaulted by three individuals in front of his building entrance in the middle of the festayres (people participating in ferias in the Southwest, Editor's note)," the statement said.

Three Mediterranean-type individuals

According to the call for witnesses, the three attackers are of Mediterranean type and athletic build. Wearing white or red shorts and shirtless at the time of the facts, they measure between 1m80 and 1m85 and are about 25 years old. Their hair, chestnut or brown, was also cut in gradient on the sides and neck during the attack.

The Bayonne judicial police is in charge of the investigations. Reports, testimonies and videos are being exploited. Anyone who witnesses or has information can contact the investigators at the following number: 06-15-07-87-45.

Source: lefigaro

All news articles on 2023-07-29

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