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'You defended Macri': Guillermo Moreno's chicanes to a journalist K in a live interview


Highlights: The presidential candidate reminded Pablo Duggan, today a staunch defender of Kirchnerism, of his past when he spoke well of Mauricio Macri. In addition, he called the driver 'bourgeois'.. The controversial former Secretary of Domestic Trade, Guillermo Moreno, was a guest on the militancy program K Duro de Domar, which is broadcast by C5N. Between proposals and criticisms of the massismo, the now presidential pre-candidate with testimonial stamp took point to the driver of the cycle.

The presidential candidate reminded Pablo Duggan, today a staunch defender of Kirchnerism, of his past when he spoke well of Mauricio Macri. In addition, he called the driver 'bourgeois'.

The controversial former Secretary of Domestic Trade, Guillermo Moreno, was a guest on the militancy program K Duro de Domar, which is broadcast by C5N. Between proposals and criticisms of the massismo, the now presidential pre-candidate with testimonial stamp took point to the driver of the cycle, Pablo Duggan, who reminded him that, before being a Kirchner communicator, he "defended" Mauricio Macri.

Throughout the almost forty minutes that lasted the exchange between Moreno, Duggan and the panelists and militants of the program, the Peronist with a black palate was dedicated, from time to time, to slip a criticism against the driver. "I came here to see how the handkerchief matched your tie," he threw towards the beginning of the exchange in a jocular and ironic tone. Duggan was not far behind and replied, "I never matched the scarf with the tie."

Another relevant moment of the report was when the issue of insecurity linked to drugs was addressed. "That crime that bothers the people is called paco," Moreno said and explained that there are "two visions to end it."

According to the former Secretary of Commerce and ideologue of the intervention questioned to the Indec in Kirchner times, to solve the scourge of the paco there is the solution of Patricia Bullrich, which would be "disguised as a gendarme and go to the villas" and that of Moreno, who "says to go Nordelta".

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"We are going to Nordelta on the first day, on the night of December 10, the first work meeting, in Nordelta," Moreno suggested in case of winning the presidential election.

Almost automatically, Duggan went to the intersection of Cristina Kirchner's former official. "You can't talk like this! Not everyone who lives in Nordelta is a narco, it's nonsense, a barbarity," the driver of Duro de Domar told him.

The exchange continued with a provocation from Moreno. "You defend them," he reproached the journalist, who quickly picked up the glove and said that he would defend them and that the pre-candidate cannot affirm that in Nordelta "there are all the narcos." "It's," he argued.

But Moreno did not end there in igniting his stubbornness, as usually happens when debating. "I didn't say that, I said the first one.... Patricia can say (the drug) that she is in 1-11-14 and you do not say anything because you are a bourgeois, "he chicaneed, to complete. with a Maradonian reference about himself: "Moreno comes says he is going to Nordelta and you jump like boiled milk."

The exchange was closed without winners or losers, but it was just minutes later that Moreno sought to take advantage to be the winner of the verbal duel.

Guillermo Moreno exchanged chicanes with Pablo Duggan. Photo capture from TV

"We will try not to fall into your provocations," Duggan warned him in a passage of the interview where the arrogant tone of the former Secretary of Commerce, which always characterized him, seemed to prevail.

Moreno lashed out: "I provoked you when you defended Macri, yes, I provoked you." Duggan, in a gesture that denoted that the message had reached its recipient, only managed to say that it happened "many years ago."

The former secretary, although he had already hurt his verbal opponent, insisted: "When you defended Macri I provoked you, now I don't."

On the other hand, Moreno highlighted his candidate for first Buenos Aires legislator Alejandro Kim. The lawyer of Korean descent became an electoral revelation in recent weeks for his irruption in social networks with a clear message, without stridency or abstract statements, which seems to question the electorate much more effectively than some of his opponents.

"Do you know that he is an extraordinary candidate?" panelist Julia Mengolini asked him. Again, with quick reaction, Moreno retorted: "That's what we put it for."

Mengolini, almost quietly, shy, suggested to Moreno that Kim was a better candidate than he was. "But all his life!", acknowledged the former official who, in any case, was not far behind and clarified: "With sympathy the paco does not end."


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Source: clarin

All news articles on 2023-08-07

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