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Hélène Carrère d'Encausse, A French Destiny


Highlights: The historian specializing in Russia, biographer of the white and red tsars, perpetual secretary of the French Academy, died at the age of 94. The LCI journalist and author of The Last Conversations with Gorbachev pays tribute to his memory. Hélène Carrère d'Encausse already knows how to read in French and Russian. She recalled, "On the day of the election to the Academy, I received my second baptism." What a long way for a stateless child...

The historian specializing in Russia, biographer of the white and red tsars, perpetual secretary of the French Academy, died at the age of 94. The LCI journalist and author of The Last Conversations with Gorbachev pays tribute to his memory.

This article is from Figaro Magazine

I look forward to the new school year, she said, escorting me back to her door. Working is so much more fun than anything else." That was just three weeks ago. These few words stick in my ear. They go so well to Hélène Carrère d'Encausse. In his apartment, occupying a wing of the palace wanted by Mazarin, the study was a main room. While writing, she could glance to his right, at the Place de l'Institut, dominated by the Dome. She recalled, "On the day of the election to the Academy, I received my second baptism."

For Hélène Carrère d'Encausse, culture took the form of a grace, revealed at the age of 46. She already knows how to read in French and Russian. From that moment on, study would be a daily joy for him. A constant way to rise above oneself. It will also become an ambition, as natural, and without apparent effort. What a long way for a stateless child...

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Source: lefigaro

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