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S.O.S. winter: lips to the rescue


Highlights: According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, to have turgid and moisturized lips at this time of year you have to pay attention not only to the weather but also to the spleen. Carolina Winograd, Facial Yoga instructor and founder of Kaliope Glow gives us her best advice. In this multitasking world, in which activities and responsibilities follow one another without stopping, it is necessary to listen to our body, and learn to revitalize ourselves from the inside with a diet richer in seasonal nutrients.

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, to have turgid and moisturized lips at this time of year you have to pay attention not only to the weather but also to the spleen. Find out why.

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If you usually have dry, chapped, or dehydrated lips in autumn and winter and sometimes also in the rest of the seasons, pay attention to this holistic look, which will help you improve the condition of your lips from the inside out. Carolina Winograd, Facial Yoga instructor and founder of Kaliope Glow gives us her best advice.

Healthy lips: much more than a climate issue

With low temperatures, rising heating, and drier weather, for many people the time of year begins when they feel the skin dehydrate more easily, and much more the delicate skin of the lips.

For other people, it is not a seasonal issue: they live with dry, chapped, dull or dehydrated lips all year round, even when they drink water frequently and take care of their lips with balms and protectors.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine the state of our lips gives us information about the energy state of our spleen, pancreas, stomach and its meridians, organs that together have the function of transforming water and food into energy (qi) and blood, transporting and transforming fluids throughout the body, maintaining muscle tone and skin turgor, and regulating thinking and concentration, among other functions.

When the spleen is in balance our lips are moisturized and red. Therefore, when the lips are dry, chapped, opaque, without volume or dehydrated, it is time to ask ourselves what may be disharmonizing our spleen.

What can affect the spleen?

The spleen in Traditional Chinese Medicine belongs to the Earth element, and its energy can be affected by both external and internal causes. Climate changes, transitions between seasons often weaken it. So, precisely, at the end of summer and a few days before starting a new season we must nourish and take care of their energy more than at any other time.

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Internally, what weakens the spleen the most energetically is worry, excessive tiredness, mental exhaustion, dislikes, inadequate eating habits, eating in a hurry or irregularly. When anxiety, worries, recurring thoughts and stress prevail in our day to day, we weaken the energy of our spleen, with the consequent dysfunction in the transport of water and nutrients through the body and the stagnation of qi (energy). This can manifest itself in many ways, for example, with:

● Weakened immune system and increased vulnerability to infection, which can make the person sometimes more likely to catch colds and flu frequently.

● Fatigue and frequent tiredness.

● muscle weakness.

● Heavy menstrual periods.

● Dryness and loss of tone in the lips.

Therefore, in this multitasking world, in which activities and responsibilities follow one another without stopping, it is necessary to listen to our body, and learn to revitalize ourselves from the inside with a diet richer in seasonal nutrients, and with small changes in our day to day that allow us to calm the mind, take care of our spirit and our body.

There is a simple routine of Facial Yoga, which will help you reduce the level of stress, nourish and harmonize your spleen (pancreas and stomach), activating muscles and specific points of your meridians, thus improving the condition of the skin of your lips and its turgor from the inside out. We will share it in a second installment.

See alsoHydration: the key to taking care of the skin in winter

Source: clarin

All news articles on 2023-08-11

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