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Slim, with minimal makeup and flattering jeans: the most beautiful woman according to AI - voila! Sheee


Highlights: Artificial intelligence has created what according to the data it knows is the most 'beautiful woman' in 100 countries. Most of the created women appear with minimal or natural makeup, which suggests that artificial intelligence does not associate beauty with heavy cosmetics. Most women wore a combination of jeans and a classic T-shirt with minimal hair styling. Those who did wore traditional costumes such as the sari from India, the hijab from the Middle East or the wrapped hair of Mali. But there were some beauty standards that even the AI couldn't think beyond – for example, all women are thin.

Artificial intelligence is an issue that concerns the world. But some little minds decided to check what she thought about human beauty and asked her to produce the most beautiful in each country

Danny Litani listens to his voice created using artificial intelligence (Network 13)

Artificial intelligence has created what according to the data it knows is the most 'beautiful woman' in 100 countries, and the results are quite stunning. While beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but most of us have a general image of a thin, symmetrical woman with a popular Instagram profile. What's interesting is that the women created by AI look pretty ordinary.

To create images of "beautiful women" in 100 countries, we used the following guideline: "A photorealistic portrait of a beautiful woman from [Medina], standing in front of a camera, against a bright white background, extremely detailed, that looks very real. Without terms like realistic, the pictures were more artistic and cartoon characters. "Full-length portrait", "standing on the whole body in front of a camera"on a bright white background" are also important, because without these terms, women sat or appeared only from the waist up. The type of camera and lens was also mentioned, which also hints to the generator that we are interested in very realistic images.

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Almost all of them are in jeans and minimal makeup (Photo: screenshot, AI)

In fact, most women wore a combination of jeans and a classic T-shirt with minimal hair styling. Those who did wore traditional costumes such as the sari from India, the hijab from the Middle East or the wrapped hair of Mali.
The AI has also created women from countries like North Korea with matching features of skin tones and facial features.

However, there were some beauty standards that even the AI couldn't think beyond – for example, all women are thin, suggesting the depressing fact of what it's like for women to think about what women's bodies should look like. The team behind the images explained this, saying: "It's important to remember that AI's throughput is a reflection of the patterns it recognizes in the data it generates, created by humans."

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There were some beauty standards that intelligence couldn't overcome either(Photo: screenshot, AI)

It is important to understand that AI's "understanding" is derived from human input data, and therefore reflects human perspectives, AI perception should not be compared to human perception, and universal beauty standards show a striking uniformity in beauty standards, although it has also managed to incorporate a degree of diversity, especially in terms of racial and cultural dress, into their overall appearance.

Interestingly, most of the created women appear with minimal or natural makeup, which suggests that artificial intelligence does not associate beauty with heavy cosmetics. In addition, many of the images depict women wearing pants instead of dresses or skirts, challenging traditional gender norms

The most beautiful woman from a hundred countries (Photo: screenshot, AI)

However, this raises important questions about the diversity of the data we put into such systems, especially in relation to different standards of beauty in cultures in aspects such as body structure, dress, etc. Women in several Middle Eastern countries such as the United Arab Emirates, Yemen and Syria are depicted wearing the hijab while women in African countries such as Madagascar, Mali and South Sudan appear wearing head coverings. The resulting costumes feature a vibrant spectrum of cultural styles, from the colorful and bold models of Bolivian clothing, to the minimalist and sleek designs found in countries such as Denmark and Italy, demonstrating intelligence's ability to recognize and represent diverse expressions of beauty around the world.

  • Sheee
  • Flapp


  • women
  • beauty
  • Beauty
  • Body image
  • Israel

Source: walla

All news articles on 2023-08-13

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