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Schuhbeck has to go to jail: This is how his everyday life behind bars becomes – the last modalities open


Highlights: Alfons Schuhbeck (74) was sentenced © to three years and two months in prison for tax evasion. The celebrity chef is now facing stressful days. The public prosecutor's office in Munich I has confirmed that he will have to start his prison sentence in the Landsberg am Lech prison. insolvency proceedings and an eviction lawsuit are still underway against the celebrity chef personally. The latter will be heard by the Munich District Court on October 24, when the star chef could be brought before him.

Status: 18.08.2023, 17:58 p.m.

By: Andreas Thieme


Alfons Schuhbeck (74) was sentenced © to three years and two months in prison for tax evasion People Picture /Jens Hartmann

In the coming days, Alfons Schuhbeck (74) will have to start his prison sentence for tax evasion, the public prosecutor's office in Munich I has confirmed – and sent the summons on Friday. The celebrity chef is now facing stressful days.

Munich - His fate is sealed: Alfons Schuhbeck (74) must finally go to prison - from the public prosecutor's office in Munich I, there was a corresponding letter. Senior Public Prosecutor Anne Leiding announced on Friday "that the summons to appear in custody this morning was personally handed over to Mr. Schuhbeck's legal representative, who informed his client."

When exactly Schuhbeck has to go into custody, the authorities do not say for security reasons. However, the date is "in the next few days," confirms the public prosecutor's office, which regulates Schuhbeck's execution of the sentence.

It is very likely that Schuhbeck will have to start his imprisonment in the Landsberg am Lech prison. The head of the prison there, Monika Groß, had already referred to the execution plan of the Bavarian judiciary in June: According to this, first-time offenders from the Munich area must begin their prison sentence in Landsberg. Senior prosecutor Anne Leiding also said she had "no knowledge of any exceptions in this case." Schuhbeck's Berlin lawyer Prof. Ali Norouzi did not want to comment on tz's request.

The public prosecutor's office has informed Schuhbeck about the start of detention: "In the next few days" the time has come

In Landsberg, Bayern boss Uli Hoeneß (71) had already served his prison sentence for tax evasion. His friend Alfons Schuhbeck also has to go to jail for such an act: He had reached into the cash register of two of his restaurants more than 1000 times and made money disappear. The Munich I Regional Court sentenced the celebrity chef to three years and two months in prison back in October 2022. The verdict was confirmed by the Federal Court of Justice in June and rejected the appeal of the star chef for the most part. Almost ten months after his conviction, Schuhbeck now has to go behind bars.

Where do we go from here? According to senior prosecutor Anne Leiding, Schuhbeck must now contact the prison. Then the final modalities are clarified - such as on which day Schuhbeck actually enlists, how he arrives and at what time he has to report to the prison gate. Twice a week, the prison admits new inmates. What medical care a prisoner will need also plays a role.

The main entrance of the Landsberg prison, an old prison with a lot of history. © Nicolas Armer/dpa

While he is still in custody, insolvency proceedings and an eviction lawsuit are still underway against Schuhbeck personally. The latter will be heard by the Munich District Court on October 24, when the star chef could be brought before him as a prisoner. However, it has not yet been conclusively clarified whether he will have to personally testify about his failure to pay rent.


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"I would like to thank everyone who has remained loyal to me," Schuhbeck had already announced on Monday in the tz - on Friday he did not want to comment more.

Schuhbeck has to go to jail: This is how everyday life behind bars works

The day in prison starts early: At 5.50 a.m., the prisoners are woken up and work in the morning in the prison operations as locksmiths, carpenters or in the clothing store (as Uli Hoeneß once did). Lunch is served at 11.30 a.m., then work resumes until 15.30 p.m. This is followed by a walk in the courtyard and sports, and at 19 p.m. the prisoners are locked in. Mobile phones are prohibited in the cell, television is available for a fee - but no pay-TV. Alfons Schuhbeck can only follow his beloved FC Bayern in the sports show. At the age of 74, he is no longer obliged to work - but it is conceivable that he could volunteer in the prison kitchen. The inmates would probably thank the celebrity chef...

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2023-08-18

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