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"With MeToo, we can no longer really talk as we were before": Philippe Candeloro causes embarrassment on the set of "PAF"


Highlights: Nelson Monfort was the guest of Pascale de La Tour du Pin on Tuesday, September 12. The former figure skater surprised - by phone - his buddy Nelson Monfort to discuss their complicity on the set of "PAF" The two tease each other but, proof of their good understanding, Nelson Mon Fort can not help but praise the guest. "I tease him a lot but he's one of the most generous boys I know and here I'm serious," he says with a smile.

The former figure skater surprised - by phone - his buddy Nelson Monfort to discuss their complicity on the set of "PAF".

Skidding on the set of C8. Nelson Monfort was the guest of Pascale de La Tour du Pin on Tuesday, September 12. Beyond evoking with him his beginnings, his career and his future, the presenter of the show "PAF" broadcast on C8 bounced back on his play "Ça patine à Tokyo" where he plays the main role alongside Philippe Candeloro. For the occasion, Cyril Hanouna's new accomplice surprises to invite by phone. And what a surprise...

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The exchange takes place in joy and good humor. The two tease each other but, proof of their good understanding, Nelson Monfort can not help but praise the guest. "I tease him a lot but he's one of the most generous boys I know and here I'm serious," he says with a smile. Pascale de La Tour du Pin takes advantage of the exceptional presence of the pair to question them on the reasons for their complicity on the air.

" READ ALSO "We are like brothers": in the footsteps of Philippe Candeloro and Nelson Monfort at the world championships of figure skating

The former figure skater immediately took the floor, explaining that his specialty was to use improvisation and spontaneity, both in theatre and on air. "Sometimes it can get out of hand, but what makes the success of both of us is that we know each other well and we will especially protect each other," explains Philippe Candeloro. And if in the first minutes his explanations were commendable, the specialist of the "without filter" causes a moment of embarrassment on the set of "PAF" a few seconds later.

'Much freer before'

"That is to say, with MeToo, we can no longer really talk as we were before," he says. Little by little, the faces close, including that of Nelson Monfort and the presenter. Columnist Ludivine Retory can't help but react, slightly scalded. "And fortunately Philippe," she asserts directly supported by the presenter. This does not seem to be enough for Philippe Candeloro who continues his protest by going against the advice of his colleagues.

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"I don't know, because there are many people who regret the way we were, much freer before, without really shocking because we are not there to shock people or speak ill of people. We are here to relax the atmosphere in an environment that is sometimes a little too hushed that is skating, "says the 51-year-old. The frozen gaze of Pascale de La Tour du Pin and that in the void of Nelson Monfort testify to their surprise.

A slight moment of floating follows, quickly filled by the intervention of the Franco-American sports journalist who tries to catch up with the situation. "I think Philippe and I have helped modernize this discipline, which is now followed by the greatest number." Once this adjustment is made, Pascale de La Tour du Pin thanks - quickly - Philippe Candeloro and thus concludes the telephone exchange.

Source: lefigaro

All news articles on 2023-09-12

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