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Essonne: a parent of a student accused of having assaulted a schoolboy after "bickering" with his daughter


Highlights: A student's parent was arrested on September 11 inside the Ronsard college in Paray-Vieille-Poste for assaulting a teenager. "He asked her, 'Was it you who assaulted my daughter?'" the mother said. The week before, Kény and the respondent's daughter reportedly had a dispute: one would have put a "little pat" on the back of the other. "Teen bickering," for Cynthia. Except that the next day, two slaps, one on each side, were exchanged...

A student's parent was arrested on September 11 inside the Ronsard college in Paray-Vieille-Poste for assaulting a teenager.

Cynthia "comes out of the shrink" when she tells us. It is that Kény, his 14-year-old son, is still "very disturbed" by what he suffered a few days earlier. Monday, September 11, the teenager arrives (alone, as usual) at the college Ronsard, in Paray-Vieille-Poste (Essonne). He has just returned to class 3e. As the teenager, also a class delegate, walks through the corridors of the administrative wing, a man plants himself in front of him.

"He asked her, 'Was it you who assaulted my daughter?'" the mother said. Without waiting for an answer, the man in his forties, the burly type, would have grabbed the teenager by the throat, before pinning him against the wall and slapping him several times, according to the account of the young victim.

Arrested in the wake

The disaster response of four adults, including the principal and a parent, will be necessary to stop the violence. The officers of the municipal police of Paray-Vieille-Poste, then their counterparts of the national, intervene. The forty-year-old is arrested and placed in custody at the police station of Juvisy-sur-Orge, where he admitted the facts. Kény, on the other hand, is taken before a forensic doctor, who issues an ITT (total incapacity for work) of three days.

The reason for this sudden attack in the middle of school? You have to go back a few days to understand. The week before, Kény and the respondent's daughter reportedly had a dispute: one would have put a "little pat" on the back of the other, who would have returned it. "Teen bickering," for Cynthia. Except that the next day, two slaps, one on each side, were exchanged...

" READ ALSO Chilly-Mazarin: the general fight between parents and college students ends in custody

The confusion between college students would then be raised to the ears of the father of the girl involved. The weekend has passed. Until Monday and this violence in the precincts of the college Ronsard. "The student's parent had an appointment with the management, says the rectorate of Versailles. In the corridor leading to the meeting place, he met a student with whom his child has a dispute. An altercation took place before it was quickly subdued. »

The suspect was released shortly thereafter, with a court summons dated December 11. Kény, for her part, returned to college on Monday, September 18, says Cynthia, "the ball in the stomach".

Source: leparis

All news articles on 2023-09-18

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