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The big Sukkot event is back, and there's also a worthwhile prize: a family vacation in Africa - voila! Protecting the Earth


Highlights: KKL-JNF's bird watching will be held for the sixth year, and will include a variety of activities for the whole family. On the menu: challenges, competitions and a dream prize. About a billion birds migrate over the skies of Israel every year on their way to Africa or back to Europe. 500,000 million birds migrate south in autumn for "winter break" in Africa and 500,00 million migrate north in spring toward Europe to nest. Among the activities: the Birdwatching Challenge for families, a national photography competition, a bird identification marathon, birdwatching tours.

KKL-JNF's bird watching will be held for the sixth year, and will include a variety of activities for the whole family. On the menu: challenges, competitions and a dream prize. All the details

One Family Wins Dream Prize/ShutterStock

A natural phenomenon on a huge scale occurs every year over the skies of Israel - about a billion birds migrate over the skies of Israel on their way to Africa or back to Europe. 500,000 million birds migrate south in autumn for "winter break" in Africa and 500,000 million birds migrate north in spring toward Europe to nest. The Jewish National Fund invites you to celebrate this amazing event this year as well, for the sixth time, in an event that is all a celebration of nature: the bird watching at the height of the autumn migration season for birds - and at the end, one family will fly with another world to Africa!

The event, which will take place in several locations (Yeruham Lake Park, Hod Hasharon Ecological Park and Agamon Hula), will include tours and activities for the whole family about nature and connecting to the world of birds, alongside professional competitions. Among the activities: the Birdwatching Challenge for families, a national photography competition, a bird identification marathon, birdwatching tours and on-line birdwatching. Family events will take place over four days, from October 2-5, Chol Hamoed Sukkot, at three points, between 09:00-15:00.

For the first time this year, every family participating in the Birdwatching Challenge family events enters a raffle for a dream prize - a family flight to places where the birds spend their winter holidays in Africa*. (A pair of adult tickets and a pair of children's tickets for a trip to Africa). Families who crack the riddle will enter the lottery, with participation only possible upon arrival at one of the following locations: Yeruham Lake Park, Hod Hasharon Ecological Park and Agamon Hula (entrance fee to Agamon). There is no need to register for the competition and participation is free of charge.

For more details>>

And there is also a fascinating photography contest with prizes

Love to take pictures? KKL-JNF invites amateur and professional photographers alike to a fascinating photography competition with prizes. In recent years, more and more people are discovering the field of bird photography, which is one of the most challenging fields for photography. The spectacular birds are elusive, hide and move very quickly, the greater the challenge of photographing them, the greater the satisfaction in producing a winning image of a bird.

The competition is held in cooperation with the Israel Nature Photographers Association, which also participates in judging the images, and this year four categories will be opened for photography: bird photography, youth and children's photography, amateur photographers and photographers with professional equipment.

The first, second and third places in each of the categories will win prizes. The best photos will be presented in an exhibition that will be presented in cooperation with the KKL-JNF Photo Archive at the Agamon Hula Visitors Center.
The images selected for the exhibition will also participate in an online competition by judging the audience on the KKL-JNF website, in which the most favorite image of the general public will be chosen. The photographer who wins the "Audience Favorite" competition will win a valuable prize.

The Audience Favorite Competition will take place on October 9-19, 2023. The distribution of prizes to the winners of the photography competition will take place in conjunction with the conclusion of the KKL-JNF national birdwatching marathon at Agamon Hula on Friday, October 20, 2023
For more details about the competition and registration click here>>

In addition, KKL-JNF will hold a marathon for active birders. More information can be found here>>

KKL-JNF/Hadas Shakanai Birdhorn

KKL-JNF/Hadas Shakanai Birdhorn

KKL-JNF/Hadas Shakanai Birdhorn

"The world of birdwatching is rich, beautiful, important and special," said Yaron Cherka, chief birder at the JNF. "The mysterious world of birds and observing and learning from them constitutes a connection and bridge between people and the entire natural world. During Chol Hamoed Sukkot and as a longstanding tradition, we will hold a variety of birdwatching activities throughout the country. Alongside the activities for the general public, a number of events will be held for professionals in the field, which will express the high abilities of Israelis in the field. This is a real celebration, and all during Sukkot, in order to allow as many people as possible to participate and enjoy."

For more details click here>>For the photo contest click here>>

Interested in participating? Send email and get a link to register.

In cooperation with KKL-JNF

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Source: walla

All news articles on 2023-09-19

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