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Rabbi Yigal joins: "He will rise to prominence this year" | Israel Hayom


Highlights: Rabbi Yigal Cohen also joins in a rare blessing. In cooperation with the institutions of the Divine Tanna. Tana institutions Rabbi Akiva on the Zion of the Holy Tana. Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai and Rabbi Meir Baal Haness are in serious condition. Religious persecutors do everything possible to stop the voice of Torah and prayer for the divine Tanna Rabbi AkIV. In light of the situation, the Gedolim of Israel join the rare call and blessing.

Rabbi Yigal Cohen also joins in a rare blessing

In cooperation with the institutions of the Divine Tanna

Tana institutions Rabbi Akiva on the Zion of the Holy Tana - Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai and Rabbi Meir Baal Haness are in serious condition. Religious persecutors do everything possible to stop the voice of Torah and prayer for the Divine Tanna Rabbi Akiva, whose right will protect us. In light of the situation, the Gedolim of Israel join the rare call and blessing: "Anyone who shares in the Zion of the Divine Tanna Rabbi Akiva will merit this year to rise to the greatness he has been waiting for."

It is told about the Tana Rabbi Akiva who spent most of his life difficult and painful, until the age of 40 he could not read or write and everyone around him despised him. Even after his wedding to Rachel, Calba's daughter for a week, it is said that they had neither a piece of bread nor a bed to sleep on at home, and every morning when he took the chaff out of her hair, he promised her that he would come today and buy her a necklace of Jerusalem of gold.

After that, the divine Tanna rose to prominence and was said to have been unlucky as Rabbi Akiva. And he won and was the rabbi of the divine Tanna Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai and Rabbi Meir Baal Haness!

Donate to Tana Institutions Rabbi Akiva >

This is the call of the Tana Rabbi Akiva to each of us: even if you feel discouraged, hopeless. Even if you feel stuck for too long. You have a chance to change everything, you have a chance to rise to greatness.

Donate to Tana Institutions Rabbi Akiva >

In light of the difficult situation in the Tanna's Zion, rabbis and righteous people from across the spectrum joined in the rare blessing: "Anyone who participates in the institutions of the Holy Tana will be privileged this year to rise to greatness and see the salvation he needs!"

In a video that went viral online and was also shared by singer Eyal Golan and many others, Rabbi Yigal Cohen appeals to the public to donate and be partners in this important mitzvah on the eve of the biggest day of the year - Yom Kippur.

Yom Kippur also celebrates the Divine Tanna Rabbi Akiva, who passed away for Kiddush Hashem, and at the time of lockdown, at the holiest time of the year, donors will remember the Zion of the Divine Tanna on the Day of Hilula.

The blessing is joined by the Kabbalist Rabbi Dov Kook of Tiberias, who added from his personal acquaintance the exciting activity: "And booty will not be lacking - they will not lack their needs that year."

To donate to the institutions of the Divine Tanna click here >

In cooperation with the institutions of the Divine Tanna

Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-09-21

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