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Saudi Arabia and Israel are getting closer


Highlights: Saudi crown prince surprisingly hints that there has been movement in the negotiations. Israel's right-wing religious government would be very difficult to enforce. No one can use nuclear weapons. Every country that uses nuclear weapons is instigating a war with the rest of the world. If Tehran were to obtain a nuclear bomb, Saudi Arabia would have to do the same. The U.S. is Israel's protector and an important ally for Saudi Arabia. There are still many unanswered questions and high hurdles for a possible breakthrough.

Status: 21/09/2023, 14:14 p.m.


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (l) and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. Saudi Arabia and Israel are apparently getting closer. © Abir Sultan/-/EPA POOL via AP/Saudi Press Agency/dpa

The establishment of diplomatic relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia would be historic. The Saudi crown prince surprisingly hints that there has been movement in the negotiations.

Riyadh - Saudi Arabia and Israel are on the way to normalizing their relations, according to Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. "We're getting closer to this every day, it seems to be something really serious for the first time," the crown prince said in an interview with Fox News.

The country's de facto ruler described a possible agreement with Israel as "the biggest historic deal since the end of the Cold War." He dismissed reports that negotiations had been suspended as "untrue".

A few weeks ago, the U.S. government confirmed talks about a possible rapprochement between Saudi Arabia and Israel, but dampened expectations. U.S. media had reported that the U.S. and Saudi Arabia had agreed in principle on the outlines of such an agreement. According to the report, Saudi Arabia would recognize Israel in exchange for U.S. security guarantees and help in building a civilian nuclear program. Israel would have to make comprehensive concessions to the Palestinians.

Netanyahu: "Historic peace within reach"

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was optimistic during a meeting with US President Joe Biden that he would be able to bring about a rapprochement together with Biden. A "historic peace" with Saudi Arabia is "within reach," Netanyahu said. "I believe that such a peace would first of all make a great contribution to ending the Arab-Israeli conflict, (...) and contribute to a real peace between Israel and the Palestinians," Netanyahu said, adding, "With your leadership, we can make history."

Officially, Riyadh has no relations with Israel, but the two countries have been working together covertly on security issues for some time. For decades, a formal rapprochement seemed virtually impossible. The U.S. is Israel's protector and an important ally for Saudi Arabia. There are still many unanswered questions and high hurdles for a possible breakthrough. This includes Israel's right-wing religious government, where concessions to the Palestinians would be very difficult to enforce.

The crown prince emphasized in the television interview that an agreement depends largely on Israel's dealings with the Palestinians. "If we have a breakthrough in reaching a deal that meets the needs of the Palestinians and reassures the region, then we will work with everyone who is there." The life of the Palestinians should be made easier, he added. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is one of the largest donors to the Palestinians.

Concerns about nuclear arms race

The talks also discussed Iran's possible nuclear armament. In response to a question, the crown prince said this would be a "bad move". No one can use nuclear weapons. "The world cannot live to see a second Hiroshima." Every country that uses nuclear weapons is instigating a war with the rest of the world. If Tehran were to obtain a nuclear bomb, Saudi Arabia would have to do the same.


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Israeli political scientist Yoel Guzansky classified the crown prince's remarks as very significant. "He confirmed for the first time that the contacts exist, that it is progressing, that it is in the Saudi interest," Guzansky said. "Until recently, he was a persona non grata in the West, he was convicted, he was an outsider. Now the whole world is courting him. He's going to get everything he wants." However, the prospect that Saudi Arabia could obtain permission for civilian use of nuclear power is worrying. The greatest danger in this context is a nuclear arms race in the entire region. Dpa

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2023-09-21

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