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"Give Peace Between Us": Thousands at Selichot at the Western Wall | Live broadcast - voila! news


Highlights: The main Selichot rally at the Western Wall plaza in Jerusalem began a short time ago. Tens of thousands of worshippers are expected to attend the mass prayers overnight. This year, for the first time, prayer was made accessible to the hearing impaired population and translated in sign language. Due to the crowding in the plaza last Thursday, the Ministry of Jerusalem broadcast live broadcasts on the walls of the city's Old City. In addition, dozens of groups of deaf people, in cooperation with the Hoshim Ben Dan Association, came from all over the country and took part in the prayer.

In preparation for Yom Kippur, the main Selichot rally opened at the Western Wall plaza in Jerusalem. Tens of thousands of worshippers are expected to attend the mass prayers overnight, including officials and elected officials. This year, for the first time, prayer was made accessible to the hearing impaired population and translated in sign language

The main Selichot rally at the Western Wall plaza in Jerusalem began a short time ago (Saturday) - the last time before Yom Kippur. Tens of thousands are expected to arrive overnight for Selichot and mass prayers ahead of Yom Kippur, including senior figures and elected officials.

The big picture:

  • Over the past month, tens of thousands of worshippers have come every night to Selichot at the Western Wall, including organized groups from the IDF and many educational institutions.
  • Due to the crowding in the plaza on Selichot last Thursday, the Western Wall Heritage Foundation and the Ministry of Jerusalem broadcast live broadcasts on the walls of the city's Old City.

Selichot at the Western Wall September 14, 2021/Flash 90, Olivier Fitoussi


  • This year, for the first time, prayer was made accessible to the hearing impaired population and translated in sign language.
  • In addition, dozens of groups of deaf people, in cooperation with the Hoshim Ben Dan Association, came to the Western Wall from all over the country and took part in the prayer.
  • More on the subject:
  • Selichot
  • Western Wall

Source: walla

All news articles on 2023-09-23

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