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Under cover of Shabbat: Palestinian rioters and left-wing activists infiltrate Otniel and clash with residents | Israel Hayom


Highlights: Palestinian rioters and left-wing activists infiltrate Otniel and clash with residents. Several dozen rioters entered the area and tried to cause a riot. Security forces at the scene used crowd control measures and made arrests. Residents are outraged: "This terror, shared by Israelis, could end in disaster" "The time has come for administrative detention orders and removal of the rioters," says candidate for mayor of Mount Hebron. "We will not accept one law for the colonists and another for the anarchists"

A confrontation took place on Saturday in the community of Otniel in the South Hebron Hills, after several dozen rioters entered the area and tried to cause a riot Security forces at the scene used crowd control measures and made arrests Residents are outraged: "This terror, shared by Israelis, could end in disaster"

A campaign of destruction: Palestinian rioters accompanied by extreme left-wing activists broke into the area of the community of Otniel in the South Hebron Hills on Saturday afternoon. The rioters infiltrated the community, destroyed a tent belonging to Jews again, set a fire in the community, and tried to create a confrontation with the Jewish residents through a videotaped provocation.

During Shabbat: Clashes again in Otniel community in the South Hebron Hills // TPS

Among other things, an area around security measures deployed by the security forces was set on fire, which used crowd control measures and carried out arrests.

Otniel residents say some thought it was a terrorist attack. "This Shabbat, too, anarchists and Arabs infiltrated the settlement. They tried to set fire to the youth tent, beat and injured some of the residents, and came armed with kerosene with lighters and cameras, and some even wearing gas masks."

Mount Hebron: Rioters infiltrated under cover of Shabbat into the village of Otniel, photo: Ran Dahan/TPS

"The residents made sure to stay away from the rioters when the army and police arrived," said one resident. "A complaint was filed with a police officer who was at the scene and the rioters were in custody."

Two fire trucks worked long hours to extinguish the fire started by the rioters, which reached up to ten meters from the residents' homes. Otniel residents define the incident as terrorism and not as a provocation.

Once again, rioters penetrated under cover of Shabbat into the territory of the settlement of Otniel, photo: Ran Dahan/TPS

"This terror, shared by Israelis, could end in disaster. They open routes for terrorists, endangering the residents of Otniel and the security forces." A resident said.

Ari Odes, candidate for mayor of Mount Hebron in response to rioters infiltrating Otniel on Saturday and burning security forces in the community: "In the face of anarchist violence - we must have an iron security wall! The Sabbath infiltrated the community of Otniel and other communities in Mount Hebron and also damaged security components of the community. The time has come for administrative detention orders and removal of the rioters. We will not accept one law for the colonists and another for the anarchists."

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-09-23

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