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Government approval: Qatari grant to Gaza increased | Israel Hayom


Highlights: Government approval: Qatari grant to Gaza increased | Israel Hayom. A source in Gaza: "Israel promised Hamas a number of concessions, including increasing the number of entry permits for workers from Gaza and expanding the fishing zone" The "rebel youth" groups (in Gaza) said on Thursday that it had decided to suspend the riots along the fence. This comes against the backdrop of mediation efforts that have shifted gears in recent days in order to prevent further escalation between Israel and the Gaza Strip.

A source in Gaza: "Israel promised Hamas a number of concessions, including increasing the number of entry permits for workers from Gaza and expanding the fishing zone • Yesterday, the Erez crossing opened for the passage of Palestinian workers from Gaza to work in Israel after almost two weeks of violent incidents along the border • The Lebanese newspaper Al-Akhbar reported that Israel accepted Hamas' demands regarding "de-escalation" at Al-Aqsa mosque and "returned to previous understandings regarding the economic situation in the Gaza Strip"

After almost two consecutive weeks of rioting along the border fence in Gaza, the "rebel youth" groups (in Gaza) said on Thursday that it had decided to suspend the riots along the fence. This comes against the backdrop of mediation efforts that have shifted gears in recent days in order to prevent further escalation between Israel and the Gaza Strip.

In response to riots and incendiary balloons: IDF attacks in Gaza // IDF Spokesperson

Behind the scenes, one of the main reasons the riots began – the significant cut in Qatari money – is also what untangled the situation by allowing Israel to increase the Qatari grant, according to foreign reports. In addition to Hamas' demands to expand financial support, it was also reported that it had promised to increase the fishing zone and entry permits for workers from Gaza.

A source in Gaza told The Associated Press on Friday that "Israel has promised Hamas a number of concessions, including increasing the number of entry permits for workers from Gaza, expanding the fishing zone and authorizing increased exports and imports." According to the report, the Qatari envoy said Doha had halted an escalation in Gaza and had reached understandings to open the crossing for workers. He also noted that "the humanitarian situation in Gaza is grave and another conflict will only make it worse."

Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim bin Ahmed Al Thani in his UN speech, photo: AP

Yesterday, the Erez crossing was opened for the passage of Palestinian workers from Gaza to work in Israel after almost two weeks of violent incidents along the border, including the launching of explosive balloons, shooting, and the throwing of IEDs. Already at night, hundreds of Palestinians began to gather near the crossing in preparation for the opening of the security terminals.

As noted, the current escalation on the border erupted, among other things, against the background of growing frustration in Hamas over the delays and the cut in the Qatari grant, a third of which is allocated to paying the salaries of Hamas officials in the Gaza Strip. In addition, the terrorist organization seeks to increase the number of work permits for Gaza residents and promote projects to improve the economic situation.

Gaza, yesterday, photo: AFP

Riots on the Gaza border, photo: Arab networks

"The protest activities will be suspended following the intervention of the mediators and their commitment that the occupation will stop its repressive measures against the prisoners, and its aggression at Al-Aqsa Mosque. The decision is in effect until new orders are received, and we are prepared to return to the protest if the occupation does not fulfill its obligations to the mediators," the youth rebel group said.

Back to previous understandings

The Lebanese newspaper Al-Akhbar reported that Israel accepted Hamas' demands for a "de-escalation" at Al-Aqsa mosque and "returned to previous understandings regarding the economic situation in the Gaza Strip." In return, the cessation of disturbances at the fence. Among the demands: an increase in the Qatari grant and entry permits for workers from Gaza into Israel.

The newspaper learned from its sources in Hamas that the mediation had continued with greater intensity in recent days, with the intervention of the Qatari envoy, the UN envoy and the Egyptian mediator. According to the report, they managed to reach a formula for calming the situation on the Gaza border. This followed an Israeli commitment not to escalate the situation in Jerusalem and to return to the "Guardian of the Walls understandings."

Palestinian workers in Beit Hanoun near Erez crossing, northern Gaza Strip (archive), photo: AFP

According to the report, Hamas demanded an end to Israel's pressure on Gaza after the closure was supposedly tightened and made it difficult for the organization to pay the salaries of its officials (in effect, an increase in global prices). In this context, Hamas reportedly demanded a doubling of the number of workers from Gaza allowed to work in Israel. According to one of the sources, Israel is expected to immediately increase the number from 17,500 to 20,30. The number will also increase to <>,<> next year, subject to ongoing quiet in Gaza.

The Lebanese newspaper added that Hamas demanded an increase in the Qatari grant to support needy families following the rise in the poverty rate in the Gaza Strip. According to the sources, the Qatari envoy accepted Hamas' request to approve grants to an additional number of residents during his recent visit to Gaza. The Egyptians and Qataris also informed Hamas that Israel had no objection to raising the grant to more than 100,000. This is in addition to Qatari support for the other part of the grant, which relates to the salaries of Hamas officials.

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-09-29

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