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Gym construction is a joint effort


Highlights: Gym construction is a joint effort. Now TSV Schliersee has made its financial contribution, 300,000 euros. However, the hall will hardly be able to meet all the needs of the athletes. Half of the active members of the TSV do not even live in the Schiersee area. The time of use from ski clubs and ski guilds is finite. The old school in Schlier see helps of course, but it is not enough. The first plans actually took place 50 years ago – one or two weeks are probably no longer important.

Status: 29/09/2023, 07:07 a.m.


Mayor Franz Schnitzenbaumer (5th from left) with the cheques from the Förderverein and TSV, handed over by (from left) Constanze Wegmann (Board of the Förderverein), Claudia Carvalho (Chairman of the Förderverein), Sabine Pransky (Chairwoman of the Förderverein), Sebastian Trickl (Chairman of Handball), Thomas Huber (Chairman of Ice Hockey), Wolfgang Greipl (Chairman of Gymnastics), Marita Scharnagl (Treasurer TSV), Hubert Strobl (Chairman of Football), Wolfgang Schauer (Chairman TSV) and Klaus Leitner (builders' association). © christian Scholle

The construction work for the gymnasium in Neuhaus is on the home stretch. Now TSV Schliersee has made its financial contribution, 300,000 euros. However, the hall will hardly be able to meet all the needs of the athletes.

Neuhaus – The anticipation is great among the athletes in Schliersee. Finally, after decades of waiting, they are getting a decent sports hall, i.e. one with a 20-by-40-meter playing field. For the realization of the project, which cost more than eleven million euros, the municipality and TSV Schliersee form a joint venture. This makes it possible to receive subsidies from the Bavarian State Sports Association. The prerequisite is a personal contribution of 300,000 euros, which the sports club has to provide. The TSV has now handed it over to the municipality.

City Hall in Luck: Broken Solar Panels Replaced Immediately

These days, it's probably rather rare: building is a real pleasure for those involved, despite all the imponderables. Whoever you ask, they all speak positively. It starts with Mayor Franz Schnitzenbaumer (CSU). His town hall was fortunate not to have to deal with the consequences of the storm itself. As reported, the hail had severely damaged the solar system on the roof of the hall. "But it had not yet been accepted and therefore not our property," explains Schnitzenbaumer. The responsible company was quickly on the spot, took advantage of the fact that the hall was still scaffolded, and just a few days after the storm the panels were replaced.

Construction is also progressing in other respects. The floor is inside, next comes the baffle wall on the inside and thermal insulation and flat roof waterproofing on the outside. In mid-November, it is hoped, children will be able to do sports indoors for the first time. After all these years – the first plans actually took place 50 years ago – one or two weeks are probably no longer important.

Gymnastics division: Half of the active participants do not live in Schliersee at all

The gymnasts in the TSV are only planning for next year anyway. In a way, they occupy a special position. On the one hand, 80,000 euros come from this division, the largest in the 1600-member association. On the other hand, half of the active members do not even live in the Schliersee area, as department head Wolfgang Greipl explains. "The catchment area extends from Weyarn and Irschenberg to Bayrischzell." So far, various groups have trained in Miesbach, for example. If possible, they want to maintain this, says Greipl, who hopes for goodwill in the district town in this regard. There, the TSV uses the middle school hall, that of the high school has been eliminated since refugees have been living there.

The desire for the team gym group to remain, for example, is due to Miesbach's central location. "Some members don't go to Neuhaus for me," says Greipl. He would also like to see competitive gymnastics continue in Miesbach – where TSV has a long tradition – at least the one led by ex-Bundesliga coach Florian Bau. He lives in the district of Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen.

One hall for all TSV activities is not enough

The Schliersee athletes will hardly be able to avoid moving to other communities. According to Greipl, the following applies to the gymnasts alone: "We have 30 coaches. We can't even fit the entire range in one hall." The small hall next to the old school in Schliersee helps, of course, but it is not enough. Meanwhile, TSV chairman Wolfgang Schauer makes it clear: "The hall is also for other clubs." For example, ski guild and ski club. But: The time of use is finite. According to Schauer, the hall is reserved for clubs from Monday to Thursday after school from 15:30 p.m. to 21:30 p.m., and on Friday from 13 p.m. One can imagine that there will be a tough struggle around these times, especially when football also becomes an indoor sport in winter.


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For the time being, however, the joy of the imminent completion is in the foreground. The Förderverein Turnhalle is contributing 58,000 euros. As with the gymnasts, the money had been saved over many years. What is missing up to the agreed 300,000 euros comes from the main association, which was also able to rely on a large donation, among other things. The patron wishes to remain anonymous.

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2023-09-29

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