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What should you eat to improve your memory?


Highlights: What we eat influences the activity of the brain and the major functions it controls, such as memory. An unbalanced diet, high in saturated fat and refined sugar, promotes brain decline. The Mediterranean diet, characterized by a high intake of whole grains, fish, fruits and vegetables, garlic, onion and olive oil, seems the most protective. It is also necessary to limit fatty and sugary foods,Such as burgers and fries and sodas, which are harmful to memory. There is no miracle food. None can on its own, regardless of its properties, improve memory or reduce the effects of aging on the brain.

What we eat influences brain activity and memory. According to Guillaume Ferreira, Research Director at INRAE Bordeaux,

The links between the quality of our diet and the performance of our brain have long been established. To function optimally, it must have all the nutrients essential for cognitive health, as Guillaume Ferreira, research director in the Nutrineuro unit of the National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment (INRAE) in Bordeaux and expert at the B2V Memory Observatory, explains.

Does power have a real impact on memory?

GUILLAUME FERREIRA. The brain accounts for only 2% of our body weight, but it uses up to 25% of energy intake from food. What we eat therefore influences the activity of the brain and the major functions it controls, such as memory. Numerous clinical studies and animal experiments have shown that an unbalanced diet, high in saturated fat and refined sugar, promotes brain decline. In particular, it affects so-called episodic memory, which makes it possible to remember events experienced with their context (date, place ...). Adolescence is a particularly risky period, as the brain reaches the end of maturation at this age and is very vulnerable to the harmful effects of inappropriate eating.

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Which foods should be preferred?

There is no miracle food. None can on its own, regardless of its properties, improve memory or reduce the effects of aging on the brain. Many nutrients, exerting synergistic effects, are necessary for brain health. This is why it is essential to have a diversified and balanced diet, in order to avoid deficiencies, especially in omega 3 fatty acids (sardines, shrimp, mussels, nuts ...) and vitamin A (egg, cheese, apricot, pumpkin ...). The Mediterranean diet, characterized by a high intake of whole grains, fish, fruits and vegetables, garlic, onion and olive oil, seems the most protective. It is also necessary to limit fatty and sugary foods, such as burgers and fries and sodas, which are harmful to memory.

Does fasting boost your memory skills?

The practice of fasting is experiencing a real craze. While some short-term effects seem beneficial on memory, the medium and long-term effects are still poorly documented, especially since there are several types of fasting (intermittent, punctual, prolonged ...). It is therefore advisable to remain cautious.

Source: leparis

All news articles on 2023-09-29

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