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Fake chips and signs of violence: Police search for drugs - and find neglected dogs - voila! news


Highlights: Ten neglected dogs were discovered in front of a police force raiding the yard of a house in the city of Baqa al-Gharbiya. The dogs were without food or water, looked very neglected, some with marks of beatings on their bodies and wallowing in their excrement. The microchips on the dogs by inspectors of the veterinary services of the Menashe Cities Association revealed that they were fake chips. Police will also investigate who implanted the fake identification chips into the dogs.

Police carried out a raid on the yard of a house in Baqa al-Gharbiya, in a compound known to police intelligence as the site of drug offenses. However, they were surprised to find 10 dogs at the scene without food or water and with signs of severe violence on them. "They looked very neglected"

Neglected and stolen dogs found in police raid on drug compound/police spokesperson

Ten neglected dogs were discovered in front of a police force raiding the yard of a house in the city of Baqa al-Gharbiya. The raid, carried out by officers from the Baqa al-Gharbiya police station, was carried out on a residential compound in the city, known to police intelligence as a compound where drug offenses are committed. A few weeks ago, 1.5 kilograms of the drug "Nice Guy" was found at the site.

"The district commander launched an operation aimed at arresting elements considered to influence crime on the streets, mainly in drug, weapons and extortion of protection money," said Deputy Superintendent Ben Sher, commander of the police station.

The dogs found in the yard of the house in Baqa al-Gharbiya/official website, Israel Police Spokesperson's Office

"The dogs were in very serious condition"/official website, police spokesperson

During the raid on the compound in question, the officers discovered that there were ten dogs in the yard whose purpose was to intimidate and attack. According to Superintendent Sher, "The dogs were in very serious condition. They were without food or water, looked very neglected, some with marks of beatings on their bodies and wallowing in their excrement."

An examination of the microchips on the dogs by inspectors of the veterinary services of the Menashe Cities Association revealed that they were fake chips which, according to Superintendent Sher, were intended to conceal the fact that they were stolen or that the dogs belonged to dangerous breeds that are permitted to be bred under strict conditions. Police will also investigate who implanted the fake identification chips into the dogs.

No drugs were found in the raid, but a landowner was taken in for questioning on suspicion of animal cruelty offenses. The dogs were taken for medical treatment and observation by the veterinarian.

  • More on the subject:
  • Dogs
  • Cops
  • Baqa al-Gharbiya

Source: walla

All news articles on 2023-10-03

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