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TV duel for the Bayern election: Söder and Hartmann exchange blows


Highlights: TV duel for the Bayern election: Söder and Hartmann exchange blows. On Tuesday evening (3 October), both accused each other of making mistakes in climate and migration policy, among other things. In the approximately one-hour debate on television, the two opponents reproached each other for not always naming facts correctly. On 8 October, around 9.4 million voters will be called upon to elect a new state parliament in Bavaria. Together with Katharina Schulze, Hartmann forms the top duo of the Greens.

Status: 03.10.2023, 23:14 p.m.


Shortly before the state elections in Bavaria, the top politicians Söder and Hartmann reproach each other live on television.

Nuremberg – Bavaria will elect a new state parliament on 8 October. A few days before the election, Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) and Green Party top candidate Ludwig Hartmann argued in a TV duel about the right concepts for the future. On Tuesday evening (3 October), both accused each other of making mistakes in climate and migration policy, among other things. Söder traveled to the TV debate in Nuremberg in the limousine and Hartmann - befitting a Green - by train and taxi.

TV duel for the Bavarian election: Söder categorically excludes coalition with the Greens

In the approximately one-hour debate on television, the two opponents reproached each other for not always naming facts correctly. In addition, CSU chairman Söder once again categorically ruled out a coalition with the Greens in the Free State. "There will definitely be no black-green in Bavaria with me," said Söder. Hartmann, on the other hand, said he was "convinced" that a black-green government would be the right answer to the current challenges and also to the social division.

Hartmann explicitly criticized Söder's statement that the Greens did not have a "Bavarian gene". This categorization "excludes all those who do not vote for the CSU," which is a "division that I do not want to accept," he said. Söder emphasized that the government had worked well with the Free Voters over the past five years. Moreover, a Bavarian state government with the Greens would no longer be independent of the federal government and would then no longer be able to represent Bavarian interests.

TV duel between Söder and Hartmann: differences in energy policy and migration

The CSU leader accused the Greens of not having the ability to govern. In Berlin, the party had made serious mistakes, such as the phase-out of nuclear energy. "I wonder if you still believe what you say," Hartmann countered. After the election, the traffic light coalition had ended 16 years of stagnation at an "unprecedented pace". Among other things, it has massively advanced the expansion of renewable energies and introduced the 49-euro ticket for local public transport.

Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) together with Ludwig Hartmann (The Greens), the chairman of the parliamentary group in the Bavarian state parliament. The picture was taken after the TV duel on Tuesday in the BR television studio in Nuremberg. © Daniel Löb/dpa +++ dpa-Bildfunk +++

In questions of energy policy, the differences were great: Hartmann accused Söder again of delaying the expansion of wind power. Söder, on the other hand, argued that Bavaria is ahead in the expansion of renewable energies – and that there are 500 requests for new wind turbines. Söder renewed his call for an "integration limit" and a "turnaround" in migration policy. Hartmann spoke out in favour of making it easier for refugees to find work. Then these people could help to solve the local labor problem.


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Before the 2018 state election, Söder and Hartmann had delivered a TV duel for the first time. At that time, around 740,000 people watched the premiere on Bavarian television. In this edition of the confrontation on television, the opponents had the same speaking time in the 70-minute broadcast - and remained largely objective despite the substantive attacks.

On 8 October, around 9.4 million eligible voters will be called upon to elect a new state parliament in the Bavarian election. Söder had announced that he wanted to continue the coalition with the Free Voters party. Together with Katharina Schulze, Hartmann forms the top duo of the Bavarian Greens (dpa).

Source: merkur

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