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After the clashes on Yom Kippur: Court forbids "Jewish head" to hold laps in Tel Aviv - voila! news


Highlights: After the clashes on Yom Kippur: Court forbids "Jewish head" to hold laps in Tel Aviv - voila! news. The Administrative Court rejected the organization's petition after it violated its permit. "It was right for the parties to reach understandings, I can only regret that," the judge added in his decision. The organization responds: "We will appeal to the Supreme Court as soon as possible". The mediation discussion between a Jewish mayor and the Tel Aviv municipality ended without compromise.

The Administrative Court rejected the organization's petition after it violated its permit to hold Yom Kippur prayers without gender segregation. "It was right for the parties to reach understandings, I can only regret that," the judge added in his decision. The organization responds: "We will appeal to the Supreme Court as soon as possible"

The mediation discussion between a Jewish mayor and the Tel Aviv municipality ended without compromise/Photo: Yotam Ronen

The Administrative Court on Wednesday rejected the petition of the Jewish Head organization against the Tel Aviv municipality's decision, and prohibited it from holding the custom of second laps in the city's public space. The decision was made following a violation of the permit given to the organization to hold the Yom Kippur prayer without gender segregation.

Clashes in Habima Square following a gender-segregated mass prayer. September 24, 2023/Ori Sela

Bottom Line:

  • Judge Magen Altuvia of the Administrative Court ruled that the municipality's decision did not stem from extraneous considerations, as the organization claimed, "I cannot accept the petitioner's position that the respondent exercised extraneous or improper considerations. No basis or factual basis has been presented to the petitioner in this regard. The proximity of the local elections cannot in itself constitute a sufficient basis for arguing that the decision is invalid because it is motivated by improper motives," Al Tuvia wrote.
  • Al-Tuvia used the grounds of reasonableness and wrote: "When it comes to a private event in a public area in which a person has no vested right, when there are many alternative alternatives to the events that are the subject of the petition throughout the city, both in synagogues throughout the city, including the synagogue of the Jewish Head community, and in other public areas where second lap events will be held, it cannot be said that the cancellation decision is unreasonable or illegal or that it harms the Petitioners exceptionally or disproportionately or any of their fundamental rights."
  • The petition was rejected, but Justice Altuvia added: "Before making a decision, I find it necessary to note that I believed and I believe that it was right for the parties to reach understandings and that from Tel Aviv a message of unity and reconciliation would emerge on Sukkot and Simchat Torah. Therefore, I have repeatedly urged the parties to act in this regard in recent days in parallel with the submission of the letters of reply and reply to it. Today there was an informal discussion that was also intended for this purpose. A few hours ago she was accepted
  • A statement that the parties have not reached an agreement and I can only regret that."

More in Walla!

The makeshift partition and the rumor that spread: this is how the commotion at Dizengoff Square was created

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Clashes during Yom Kippur prayers, Dizengoff Square, Tel Aviv. September 24, 2023/Flash 90, Tomer Neuberg


  • Attorney Uri Israel Paz, who represents the Jewish Head organization, told Walla!: "We will appeal to the Supreme Court as soon as possible."
  • The head of the organization said: "Tomorrow morning we will appeal to the Supreme Court. Like the municipality, public order is very important to us, and that's not a reason why laps are canceled. We want to hold the second laps for the thousands of Tel Aviv residents who participate in them every year."

More in Walla!

Court ruling, municipal permit, and appeals: the events that led to the clashes in Tel Aviv

See full article >

Clashes broke out on the eve of Yom Kippur and Yom Kippur between worshippers and Tel Aviv residents in Dizengoff Square, Habima Square and other locations in the city. This followed the holding of prayers segregated between men and women, despite the High Court of Justice prohibition to do so. Worshippers who arrived at the area erected makeshift partitions, contrary to the ruling. The residents did not accept this, interrupted the prayers and stacked the plastic chairs brought by the worshippers. In Habima Square, opponents chanted "shame" on the worshippers.

At the end of the fast, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu responded to the riots - ignoring the fact that there was a High Court ruling that banned gender-segregated prayer. "To our astonishment, in the Jewish state, on the holiest day of the Jewish people, left-wing demonstrators rioted against Jews during prayers. There seem to be no borders, no norms and no limit to hatred on the part of extremists on the left."

On the other hand, Mayor Ron Huldai responded and condemned the violation of the permit. "I will not allow the character of our city to be changed. In Tel Aviv-Yafo there is no place for gender segregation and exclusion in the public sphere. Parties that do not respect the municipality's instructions and the law will no longer receive permits to operate in the city's public space."

  • More on the subject:
  • Sukkot
  • Tel Aviv-Yafo

Source: walla

All news articles on 2023-10-04

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