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Gilles Kepel: "Israel's 11/<>, Iranian version"


Highlights: Gilles Kepel: "Israel's 11/<>, Iranian version". Hamas' bloody attack on Israel has been compared to the Yom Kippur War of October 1973. But for the Islamologist, the operation is more reminiscent of September 11, 2001. Hamas' spectacular raid on crossing the Israeli border at dawn on Saturday, October 7, is a blow not only to Israel, but also to the Western powers. The coincidence of the dates is not fortuitous, even in the surprise effect maximized by the attack at the time of a Jewish religious holiday.

Hamas' bloody attack on Israel has been compared to the Yom Kippur War of October 1973. But for the Islamologist, the operation is more reminiscent of September 11, 2001 and is a blow not only to Israel, but also to the Western powers.

Hamas' spectacular raid on crossing the Israeli border at dawn on Saturday, October 7, has been compared to the October 1973 war – also known as Yom Kippur or Ramadan – unleashed by Egyptian President Anwar al-Sadat and Syrian President Hafez al-Assad half a century earlier. This had considerably weakened the Jewish state, forcing it to initiate the withdrawal from the territories occupied during the "Six-Day War" of June 1967. It turned the world economy and the balance of power in the Middle East upside down, making King Faisal's Saudi Arabia, the initiator of the Arab oil embargo that triggered the massive rise in crude oil prices, the regional superpower.

The coincidence of the dates is not fortuitous, even in the surprise effect maximized by the attack at the time of a Jewish religious holiday that suspends the vigilance of the IDF: but it is rather in the continuity of the "blessed double raid" launched by Al...

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Source: lefigaro

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