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Israel's war in Gaza, live | Israel says it will destroy Hamas' "military and government" capabilities


Highlights: Rockets fired from Lebanon hit Israeli military position in border area. Death toll in Gaza stands at 232 and at least 1,697 wounded. Israel's security cabinet said it has taken a series of "operational decisions aimed at provoking the destruction of military and government capabilities" Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: "We will take revenge with all our might for this black day" World Congress condemned what it described as a "heinous terrorist assault against the Jewish State of Israel" and expressed support for "the entire Jewish diaspora"

Operation and response kill more than 300 in Israel and 232 in Gaza | Rockets fired from Lebanon hit Israeli military position

The Israeli army is launching attacks on Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip on Sunday in response to yesterday's offensive. Israeli security officials say they will "destroy the military and government capabilities" of the Islamist group. In parallel, projectiles launched from Lebanese territory have hit early in the morning an Israeli military position in the Shab'a Farms (an area occupied by Israel at the confluence of the borders of Lebanon and Syria), according to Reuters, citing security sources. These sources indicate that Israel has already begun to attack with artillery in the south of Lebanese territory. So far, the dead in Israel exceed 300, while the wounded total 1,592, according to the Ministry of Health. Of those hospitalized, 293 are in serious condition and 19 in critical condition. Meanwhile, the death toll in Gaza stands at 232 and at least 1,697 wounded. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reacted strongly to Hamas' offensive yesterday: "We will take revenge with all our might for this black day," he declared. "What has happened has never happened before and will never happen again."


Gaza housing block collapses after being hit by Israeli missiles

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Rockets fired from Lebanon hit Israeli military position in border area

Projectiles launched from Lebanese territory hit an Israeli military position in the Shab'a Farms (an area occupied by Israel at the confluence of the borders of Lebanon and Syria) early on Sunday, Reuters reports, citing security sources. These sources point out that Israel has already begun to attack Lebanese territory with artillery. The Hezbollah militia has claimed responsibility for the attack "in solidarity with the resistance and the Palestinian people." According to its statement, three Israeli positions have been attacked using "a large number of artillery shells and missiles."

ACT.8 OCT 2023 - 07:58


Israeli Army Launches Attacks on Hamas Targets in Gaza

The Israeli military said its forces were launching attacks on targets belonging to the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas in the Gaza Strip on Sunday, without providing further details.

Earlier, Israel's security cabinet said it has taken a series of "operational decisions aimed at provoking the destruction of military and government capabilities" of Hamas, which on Saturday carried out an unprecedented attack from the Gaza Strip against Israeli territory, which has cost the lives of at least 300 of its citizens and 232 Palestinians after the response of the Jewish State.

Among the decisions taken by the cabinet is to halt the supply of electricity, fuel and goods to the Gaza Strip.

ACT.8 OCT 2023 - 05:25


Relatives of missing persons in Israel turn to police to help in identification

Dozens of relatives of people who disappeared in Saturday's assault on Israel from Gaza by the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, and who are feared dead or kidnapped, are flocking Sunday to a missing persons center operated by Israeli security forces near Ben Gurion airport. in the vicinity of Tel Aviv, Israeli media report.

Family members bring items such as toothbrushes and other personal belongings of their missing loved ones to help provide DNA samples that could help identify them.

Israeli police have asked families to contact the center with photographs and DNA samples of missing persons.

Many of them have lost contact with loved ones since the surprise multi-front attack on Israel began.

ACT.8 OCT 2023 - 05:23


Brazil convenes UN Security Council

Brazil, which holds the presidency of the UN Security Council, announced on Saturday that it will convene an "emergency meeting" of the body in the face of the serious escalation of violence in Israel and the Palestinian Territories.

The meeting of the UN's highest decision-making body will take place on Sunday in a closed-door session in which its fifteen members will address "the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question."

U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres expressed concern for civilians in the escalating Israeli-Palestinian conflict and called for "all diplomatic efforts to avert a major conflagration."

Meanwhile, the World Jewish Congress (WJC) condemned what it described as a "heinous terrorist assault against the State of Israel" and expressed support for the country by "the entire Jewish diaspora," which this international organization represents in more than 100 countries.

ACT.8 OCT 2023 - 03:03


General condemnation of Hamas attack on American countries

Over the past few years, Latin America has been divided when it comes to showing its support or rejection of the parties to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Traditionally, this has depended on the political colour of the government of the day.

However, on this occasion, the magnitude and gravity of the events has provoked a widespread response of condemnation, except for a couple of isolated cases.

Thus, while Lula da Silva emphasized that "Brazil will spare no effort to avoid the escalation of the conflict, including in the exercise of the Presidency of the UN Security Council," Argentina said it "condemns" and "deplores" Hamas' multiple attack against Israel.

From Bogotá, the government of Gustavo Petro condemned "vehemently terrorism and attacks against civilians" in Israel. The Colombian president also called for "a peace dialogue where the Palestinian State is fully recognized."

The Government of Chile – where the largest community of Palestinian origin outside the Middle East resides – also expressed its "absolute condemnation" of the attacks on Saturday against a series of towns and cities in Israel and expressed its condolences to the families of the victims, and its solidarity with the people of Israel. "

The Government of Mexico also condemned "the attacks suffered by the people of Israel" by the Islamist group Hamas from Gaza and demanded "the cessation of unconducive violence."

ACT.8 OCT 2023 - 03:01


Israel says it will destroy Hamas' 'military and government' capabilities

Israel's security cabinet said Sunday that it has taken a series of "operational decisions aimed at provoking the destruction of military and governmental capabilities" of the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, which on Saturday carried out an unprecedented attack from the Gaza Strip against Israeli territory, which has cost the lives of at least 300 of its citizens and 232 Palestinians after the response of the Jewish State.

A statement from Israel's Prime Minister's Office said the decisions made by the Security Cabinet will rob Hamas and its ally, Islamic Jihad, of "their ability and desire to threaten and harm the citizens of Israel for many years to come."

Among the decisions taken by the cabinet is to halt the supply of electricity, fuel and goods to the Gaza Strip.

At least 1,600 Israelis and about 1,700 Palestinians have been wounded and several dozen Israeli citizens have been kidnapped by Hamas militants and transferred to the Gaza Strip and distributed in various places in it, according to a spokesman for this group.

ACT.8 OCT 2023 - 02:57


Update | More than 300 Israelis killed, 232

More than 300 Israeli citizens have died as a result of the attack carried out on Saturday from the Gaza Strip by the Islamist group Hamas against the territory of Israel, reported Sunday media in this country citing medical sources.

The death toll could rise in the coming hours, given the severity of some of the wounded, whose number already stands at almost 1,600, the sources said.

On the Palestinian side, the death toll rises to 232 and the wounded to 1,700, according to sources in the Ministry of Health of Gaza, territory controlled by Hamas since 2007, when it expelled the forces of the nationalist movement Al Fatah, of the president of the Palestinian National Authority (PA), Mahmoud Abbas.

Gaza's Health Ministry accused Israeli forces of deliberately targeting medical personnel and hospitals, killing three health workers, wounding three others and destroying five ambulances.

According to Palestinian sources in the strip, at least five buildings have been demolished in Gaza by Israeli bombardment and hospitals are in a state of emergency in the face of the situation.

In Gaza, thousands of civilians from towns in the north of the strip such as Beit Hanoun, Jabalia and Beit Lahia were evacuated and fled to Gaza City to be housed in schools of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees due to the harshness of the fighting.

ACT.8 OCT 2023 - 02:55


U.S. Considers Premature Involvement of Iran in Hamas Attack on Israel

A senior White House official said Saturday it is "too early to say" whether Iran, Israel's archenemy, is "directly involved" in the attack by the Palestinian group Hamas.

But "there is no doubt that Hamas is funded, equipped and armed by Iran and others," the source added, as the conflict escalated to its bloodiest point in decades.

ACT.8 OCT 2023 - 00:59


US talks with Egypt to 'immediately stop' Hamas assault

U.S. top diplomat Antony Blinken spoke Saturday with Egypt, a key intermediary between Israel and Hamas, to seek an immediate end to the militants' offensive, the State Department said.

In a phone call with Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry, Blinken raised "the urgency of achieving an immediate cessation of the tremendous assault by Hamas terrorists on Israel," State Department spokesman Matthew Miller said.

ACT.8 OCT 2023 - 00:53


U.S.-Israel talks on military aid advanced

Talks with Israel on providing U.S. military aid are "well advanced," a senior White House official said Saturday, following the large-scale attack by the Palestinian militant group Hamas.

The source considered it possible that Washington would make an announcement on Sunday, but noted that the situation in Congress — whose lower house currently lacks a president — will complicate the matter.

"Congress probably has a role to play and, without the speaker of the House, it is an unprecedented situation in which we will have to work," he said.

ACT.8 OCT 2023 - 00:50

The Country

Update | 1,590 injured in Israel, more than 300 in serious condition

The Israeli Ministry of Health has updated the figures of wounded since the beginning of Hamas' assault on its territory. 1,590 people are injured, of whom 293 are in serious condition and 18 in critical condition.

ACT.7 OCT 2023 - 23:06


Mahmoud Abbas Calls on U.S. to Stop Israeli "Escalation" on Gaza

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, who rules in small areas of the occupied West Bank and has no control over Gaza, called on Saturday for an end to "the current Israeli escalation" against the Gaza Strip in a call with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

Abbas "has stressed the need to stop the current Israeli escalation against the Palestinian people," and has assured that the root of the current situation is due to "colonialist practices" and the actions of Israeli forces, as well as "aggression" against Islamic sites such as Al Aqsa. "This is what we warn, in addition to the blockade of the Palestinian political horizon" that, according to Abbas, Israel has chronicled, which "did not empower" the Palestinians "with their legitimate right to self-determination."

Given this, he warned that "the lack of application of resolutions of international legitimacy" by Israel and "the oppression to which the Palestinian people are exposed is what is pushing things towards an explosion whose consequences no one will be able to bear," as reported by the official Palestinian news agency Wafa.

The Palestinian president has also spoken in a call with French President Emmanuel Macron, to whom he has conveyed a similar message.

ACT.7 OCT 2023 - 22:26

The Country

Netanyahu: "We will take revenge for this black day"

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed revenge against the Islamist organization Hamas for its attacks on Saturday against Israel, which have caused, so far, more than 250 deaths. "What has happened today has never been seen in Israel, and I will make sure it never happens again," he said. "Hamas has started an evil and cruel war. We will win, but the price will be high."

"The Israel Defense Forces will immediately use all their power to dismantle Hamas' capabilities," the prime minister said. "We will take revenge for this black day they have inflicted on the State of Israel and its citizens."

ACT.7 OCT 2023 - 22:15


State of emergency extends to all of Israel

The Ministry of Defense has extended the state of emergency throughout Israeli territory. It was originally set for an 80-kilometer strip from the Gaza border.

According to the Ministry of Defense, the decision has been taken taking into account the possibility of prolonged fighting. The state of emergency allows the military authorities to ban public gatherings throughout the territory.

ACT.7 OCT 2023 - 21:34

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Source: elparis

All news articles on 2023-10-08

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