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Solidarity, condemnations, or... congratulations. How are countries reacting to Hamas' attack on Israel?


Highlights: Hamas fired hundreds of rockets at Israel from the Gaza Strip on October 7. At least 600 people were killed and more than 2,000 wounded. French President Emmanuel Macron condemned "Hamas' terrorist attacks" France's political class, right-wing parties, the presidential majority, the Socialists and the Greens have widely condemned these acts and expressed solidarity with Israel, while condemning Hamas. The West largely supports Israel; Russia, China call for "restraint" and Egypt warns of "grave danger of escalation"

On Saturday, October 7, Hamas fired hundreds of rockets at Israel from the Gaza Strip. While a large part of the community i

Early Saturday morning, Israel was the victim of a large-scale surprise attack claimed by Hamas from the Gaza Strip, killing at least 600 people and wounding more than 2,000 on the Israeli side. The whole world has seen the intensity and damage of these battles through videos that have been widely circulated on social networks.

Macron quickly condemned "Hamas' terrorist attacks" on X (formerly Twitter), before expressing his solidarity with "the victims, their families and loved ones."

I strongly condemn the terrorist attacks that are currently being carried out against Israel. I express my full solidarity with the victims, their families and loved ones.

— Emmanuel Macron (@EmmanuelMacron) October 7, 2023

The French political class, right-wing parties, the presidential majority, the Socialists and the Greens have widely condemned these acts and expressed their solidarity with Israel, while condemning Hamas.

Read also"Shameful", "shocking"... LFI stirs up controversy after Hamas' attack on Israel

For its part, La France Insoumise preferred to stress that "the armed offensive of Palestinian forces led by Hamas comes in a context of intensification of the Israeli occupation policy in Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem". This stance was deemed "shocking" and earned the political party a wave of criticism from the executive, the Socialists and the Greens. Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne believes that the "anti-Zionism" of some rebellious elected officials is "sometimes also a way of masking a form of anti-Semitism".

The West largely supports Israel

On the side of our neighbors, Berlin reacted in terms similar to those of France by defending "[Israel's] right, guaranteed by international law, to defend itself against terrorism," as did London, Rome and Madrid, although Israel responded with violent airstrikes on the Gaza Strip.

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen also denounced Hamas' "senseless" attack on Israel, as did UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, who "condemns in the strongest terms" the attack. The same is true of NATO, which "strongly" condemns Hamas' terrorist attacks against their Israeli "partner".

After "unequivocally condemning the unjustified attacks," the United States said through its defense secretary Lloyd Austin that it will ensure that Israel "has what it needs to defend itself," while reiterating that its "commitment to Israel's right to defend itself remains unwavering."

Russia, China call for restraint

Moscow, for its part, called for "restraint" and said it was "in contact with Israelis, Palestinians and Arabs," according to Mikhail Bogdanov, Russia's deputy foreign minister, quoted by the Interfax news agency. Egypt also called for "extreme restraint". Egypt, the traditional mediator between Israelis and Palestinians, warned of "the grave danger of the ongoing escalation" following Israel's response with airstrikes.

China also said it was "deeply concerned" by the escalating violence and called on both sides "to remain calm and exercise restraint, immediately cease fire, protect civilians and prevent further deterioration of the situation."

Morocco, which condemned "attacks against civilians wherever they are", called for an immediate end to all acts of violence and a return to appeasement, in order to avoid all forms of escalation that could hinder the chances of peace in the region. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan urged Israelis and Palestinians to act reasonably, without condemning Hamas.

Arab world mixed, between Hamas support and embarrassment

In Arab countries, while scenes of jubilation were observed in several cities, notably in Lebanon, only Syria and Yemen stood out from their neighbours by officially giving unreserved support to Hamas. Syria expressed its "support" for the Palestinian people and the forces "fighting against Zionist terrorism," while in Yemen, pro-Hamas marches brought together several hundred people in Sanaa, where the Houthi rebels who control the capital said they supported "the heroic operation of the jihadists."

Lebanon: Scene of jubilation in Lebanon after Hamas' attack on Israel. But also in Iraq, Iran...

— Restitutor Orientis (@restitutorII) October 8, 2023

In the other countries of the Arabian Peninsula, it is the call for de-escalation that wins the most votes. Saudi Arabia, which is normalizing relations with Israel, issued a low-key statement, calling for an end to the violence, without forgetting to mention that Hamas' actions are "the result of the continued occupation and the deprivation of the Palestinian people of their legitimate rights." Kuwait, Iraq, Qatar and Oman are between a rock and a hard place. Anxious not to offend part of their population, without being ostracized by the international community, they also call for an end to the violence, without condemning Hamas.

Iran congratulates Hamas

As for Iran, described by many experts as "responsible for Hamas' actions," the government directly congratulated and supported Hamas, before Iranian lawmakers chanted "Death to Israel" during the evening session. "We will stand with the Palestinian fighters until Palestine and Jerusalem are liberated," said the adviser to Iran's supreme leader, General Rahim Safavi, according to remarks transcribed by Euronews.

Source: leparis

All news articles on 2023-10-08

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