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Hamas attack on Israel: Meyer Habib, an MP at the heart of the crisis


Highlights: Meyer Habib is a member of parliament for the French Abroad. He has two children in Tel Aviv and three nephews mobilized in the IDF army. The French MP regrets the cancellation of flights between France and Israel by the company Air France. He is angry at the reactions of part of the far left in France and sees various "worrying weak signals" of support for terrorism in France. "When we see certain reactions, we have reason to be worried," said the spokesman for the Jewish community.

The LR representative of the French Abroad believes that the Jewish community is experiencing the current events with "astonishment, sadness, solidarity and concern".

On Sunday, at 6:30 a.m., Meyer Habib sent a text message to Emmanuel Macron. The LR member of parliament for the French Abroad wanted to inform the President of the Republic of certain information concerning Avidan, a young Frenchman from Bordeaux who had been taken hostage by Hamas. In close contact with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the elected official - whose constituency has some 200,000 French people living in Israel - communicates publicly and in real time all the elements he has since the beginning of the attacks launched against the Jewish State. On Monday, he estimated that "7 or 8" French hostages remained in the hands of the Palestinian terror organization.

» LIVE - Follow the latest news on Hamas' attack on Israel

After informing the Israeli authorities of the "total" support of several members of the Republicans, the parliamentarian also exchanged views with Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin and the President of the National Assembly. "Bravo Madam President, dear Yaël Braun-Pivert, you have made the right decision," he reacted on Monday, upon discovering the Assembly's communiqué announcing the ban on the visit to the Bourbon Palace of Abu Daqqa, a member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). In the current climate of "astonishment, sadness, solidarity and concern", Meyer Habib believes that France must be careful not to accept the organization of certain events that could be perceived as "incitement to terrorism". The Franco-Israeli MP, who has two children in Tel Aviv and three nephews mobilized in the IDF army, regrets the cancellation of flights between France and Israel by the company Air France.

'Absolute horror'


I was able to have access to images of absolute horror, which I cannot share, "he confides, angry at the reactions of part of the far left in France. Moreover, he calls for the "dissolution of the NPA", the New Anti-Capitalist Party of Philippe Poutou, and he believes that some deputies of France Insoumise must be "deprived of their immunity and criminally sanctioned". For his part, LR senator Stéphane Le Rudulier on Monday called for the dissolution of the LFI party by asking Élisabeth Borne to support a bill aimed at "penalizing anti-Zionism" and condemning "political anti-Semitism."

Meyer Habib also sees various "worrying weak signals" of support for terrorism in France. "When we see certain reactions, we have reason to be worried," said the spokesman for the Jewish community's fears. Before travelling to Israel in the coming days, the MP requested a meeting with Emmanuel Macron. But he takes the reassuring messages from the French authorities with a pinch of salt. "I heard this morning Minister Gérald Darmanin say that there was no particular threat in France. I listen to it but I also remember that we were told the same thing before Toulouse, the Hyper Cacher, Sarah Halimi, the Bataclan, Charlie Hebdo... I am worried about the development of the Muslim Brotherhood in France. We have to open our eyes!" the French MP insists. For the time being, about twenty anti-Semitic acts have been recorded in France in the last 48 hours according to the government.

Source: lefigaro

All news articles on 2023-10-09

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